Wotlk-classic 'new-returning' player start-up raid group forming (no GS requirements)

  • We are on Arugal Oceanic.
  • looking for more members for wotlk new / returning player group.
  • the ideal player to join , would be not someone with a high GS but with a low GS but also has some knowledge of the 3 main raids (or no knowledge is OK!) we will be doing which are:
  • Ulduar, TOGC, and ICC (10 NM)
  • we are doing 10-man normals for a while (at least several weeks) until we get better.

leave a reply here or add me on B-net! Zarathustra#21461

Hey, very soon i will be bringing my unholy dk to horde side, i dont need alot of gear just happy fo be a useful and contributing part of guild. Please shoot me a comment if we can work out something :), thanks!.

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pls add me, on bnet , Altise : Zarathustra21461 :slight_smile:

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Ayo dude, sent you a friend request, MOhVillain#1541

Hi! I’m a new player looking for a guild to learn game mechanics and have fun at the same time, I’ve sent you a friend request on bnet :slight_smile:

Sent you a Bnet request.