WOTLK Classic - Create servers with/without RDF

LFR came in cata.
Just sayin.

Turn on LFG blizz. Stop being stubborn.

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I mean, late, late wrath… but yeah.

Yes. I’ve leveled from 1-80 at least 15 times over the last 18 years with around 400 days play time. I’m sure you’ll say that you’ve leveled 100 alts with 10 years of playtime, but I really don’t think it makes much difference beyond a certain point.

Creating a party and getting to a dungeon is a pretty irrelevant aspect of the game. Especially when there exists global chats and flying mounts. I can imagine if you could only at most talk to people in your zone and you had to run on foot it might matter. I wouldn’t have even thought about it unless these Classic forums made such a fuss over it. Or of course that it would be missing in the wotlk classic release as that is not how the original game was.

We saw how “MUH NOCHANGES” worked out for classic vanilla

hint: it didn’t

I mean, Classic was a rousing success through the launch of TBC.

Then they did SOM with all sorts of changes and it died in 3 months.

So I would say. Nochanges is the preferred option


And every single time RDF was in the game.

You don’t have any arguments against ease of use, players time, alt leveling. Just “ i dont believe it changes anything”

Thats not an argument against it, it’s an admittance of poor foresite.

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Pretty sure it wasn’t in Vanilla, TBC and much of wotlk. :man_shrugging:

You leveled 1-80 15 times in vanilla and tbc?

My post was clearly contextual.

November 13, 2008 LK released.
April 14, 2009 patch 3.3 dungeon finder released.
December 7, 2010 Cata launch.

So yes, RDF was in MOST of LK.

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Are you being intentionally obtuse? What do you even want? I agree that having RDF would be ideal, but only because that is how it was. You can believe that finding groups and running to dungeons is a big deal all you want, but it is very minor aspect of the game.

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Just pointing out how what you said makes no sense. Player longevity in an mmo is the entire measure of success. Being able to join groups easier is a direct benefit to the community. Tbh i don’t think you played much the last two years. So your opinion is outdated regardless.

It did not seem necessary to explain that you level to 60 in Vanilla then level those to 70 in TBC and sometimes make heroes in TBC to level straight to 70 then level those to 80 in WOTLK then also sometimes go straight from 1 to 80. I have to believe you are intentionally misunderstanding. Not to mention 8 years of private wotlk. :man_shrugging:

Did you say 1-80 15 times or did I? You misspoke, thats fine. As far as I can tell you quit sometime in 2020 after a few mc’s, came back for tbc and quit again. We don’t have to argue about RDF, that’s been done enough. You can’t see how it changes the game, Id say it’s because you don’t play the game currently to see how bad the current lfg channel is.