WOTLK CLassic: cannot use money changer to buy emblems

The emblem exchanger under dalaran is not working. Cannot purchase anything from Usuri Brightcoin right now


Yeah, it is not working. I needed to buy an heirloom and I am stuck with emblems of Valor until they fix this problem.

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Was bugged for me also. I found this macro which worked (open window with Usuri Brightcoin, then paste the macro). Currently set to trade 5 Emblem of Valor for 5 Emblem of Heroism (change the number at the end as needed).
/script local function buy (n,q) for i=1,100 do if n==GetMerchantItemInfo(i) then BuyMerchantItem(i,q) end end end buy (“Emblem of Heroism”, 5)

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this doesnt work.

this however does:

/script BuyMerchantItem(1, X)

x being the quantity you want to buy


This works perfectly

this isn’t the Classic bug report forum, that is here https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/c/wow-classic/wow-classic-bug-report/199

TY Very much!

Worked like a charm. You the real MVP!

Once again a player finds a solution and blizzard lets issues sit for far to long with no reply… Thank YOU for being the GM we need, blizzard? get better. p.s. FIX WG LAG AND THE MAPS YOU BROKE!

Blizzard throw this guy a month sub for free, he’s doing your job for you.

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bet you’re real fun at parties.

oh I apologise oh lord of the forums. you were right, I definitely should not have let him know that he had posted in the wrong bug report forums. Maybe, JUST MAYBE, that’s why the devs didn’t address this one. Because the devs who deal with the WRATH CLASSIC bugs read the WRATH CLASSIC bug report forums.

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