WotLK 500 badges Timewalking item didn't drop

Just did the WotLK event and first dungeon, Forge of Souls, item did not drop. Second dungeon, Azjol-Nerub, it did drop. Maybe Forge of Souls is new to the rotation and doesn’t have the item added to it yet?

Same, got Forget and didn’t get item.

Oh, they put 3.3 dungeons in this round? Those are nice.


Also same, didn’t get my drop from Forge of Souls but I did get one (on another character) from Gundrak so idk

Pit of Saron was already, they swapped it out and brought Forge in

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I honestly think it’s just been converted to a less than 100 percent, albeit still high, random drop.

I remember during Legion TW I wasn’t always getting it first clear which makes no sense with this being the first time they’ve done it.

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I have done 4 dungeons on 3 different characters now.

I had Forge of Souls twice, and both times the item didn’t drop. In Halls of Lightning and Azjol-Nerub it did drop.

This turns Forge of Souls from probably one of the best dungeons to get, if you wanna be fast, into the worst one, because you won’t even get the item. The only option is to leave when you get it and try again later, because otherwise, you’d just be wasting your time.

Also did not drop in forge of souls for me. Likey an issue with that dungeon.

Isn’t the quest to run 5 Timewalking dungeons? So for those running the quest, it’s not a waste.

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Might want to make another thread in the bug report forum. This sucks for people just looking to get the 500 badges.

I saw this a lot during Legion TW. I was running 5 or 6 characters consistently. Some of them did not get the drop one week, then the next they would. My SO had the same thing happen to him. I don’t think he got it to drop once. :frowning:

Please, please, please open a thread in the Bug Forums. It gets more traction there than in GD if in fact it is a bug.

Doesn’t count for the 5 TW quest either.

Wait seriously? :rofl:

Picked up quest, got Forge first, didn’t get item, so re-q’d, got nexus, got 500 badge item. 1/5 for quest.

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Can confirm. Quest item not dropping in forge of souls.

Just did Forge of Souls and no 500 badge quest ugh.

It did for me you may wanna report a bug

wasting time ??? , you still get your loot and badges from all bosses , it still marks off one of teh 5 you need for teh quest , you will get the 500 token from teh next one you do that is not FoS . in other words you still get the exact same thing as you would of got if it was your second dungeon .

Some people just like complaininmg I guess