WOTC considering retiring Druid and Shaman. Would Blizzard ever do this?

So MTG are starting to avoid using the term ‘Witch’, as it’s a real life religious identifier and they don’t wish to offend people. They are also considering dropping ‘Shaman’ and ‘Druid’ for the same reason.

I’d like to ask whether the community here thinks that Blizzard might do this one day? Both are very popular classes, so would they perhaps rename them? But I wonder if the WoW playerbase would be okay with this change?

Blizzard do have a track record of removing and censoring and changing controversial things in-game… so it’s not like it’d be completely out of character for them.

i just dont see how witch, shaman and druid are controversial in any way especially in a fantasy setting. People need to get over themselves and realize the world doesn’t revolve around them if these words bother them so


Y’all, this is a WAR game. What should offend people is someone literally cutting their character open and puncturing their internal organs.


I’m offended by the fact I can murder-death-kill creatures with such displays of creativity as you describe, but I can’t simply drink a mana water bottle while running.



Yes please!! Put my mana drink in a sippy cup!


What about priests? Isn’t that a religious thing too.


It’s too ingrained into social culture to be removed from other fantasy settings that aren’t CCG’s.

They never used “Witch” to begin with.

WotC is one of the worst companies on the planet and are not one to mimic.

Warlock is a male Witch, they are still using it. Druid, Shamsn is no different than Paladin or Priest…they are still using them. Its just trying to kiss up to a tiny minority of very vocal people on social media and has nothing else behind it. They do not actually believe they are upholding any actual moral or equality stance…its just trying to buy enough social cred to pretend to be a good company by doing as little as possible to shut a group up so they can point to that action as proof they care.


This is more of a reaction to their very dense choice to have a “monkey” type that just happened to be accompanied with a lot of pro-slavery talk. They most likely didnt mean anything by it, but no one noticed it.

So then they started just having a 3rd party review everything for potential issues. This is just something that came up from the review they wanted to talk about.

Hmmm. On deeper thought. Perhaps having words around that identify people who hate mythical things that do not and have not ever actually existed is beneficial.

“I hate witch magic” – Okay, good for you mate. I hate rainbow shaded pink magical unicorns.

Which Witches got offended and asked for it to be removed? I mean there are many different types of witches spanning almost every culture… Their practices can range kitchen creations to Demonology… So uh…Why?

Uh huh




I don’t see a point to remove those terms:

Soon We wont be able to play any games because they will offend anyone and everyone…


is this real? bc this would be the all time high of sadness if ppl are offended by this lol.
tellin ya, world is doomed.

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I’ve played MTG for 15 years or so and don’t ever recall seeing the creature type of ‘Witch’ ever come up. I’m quite certain both games refer to the class as Warlock, regardless of gender.

Also, Alela is my main Commander :woman_fairy::hugs:

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so is priest paladin and warlock.

rogue can also be used as an insult

mages also consort with dark arts which implies witchcraft, better remove them too

demon hunters refer to demons, wouldn’t want to call someone a dmeon would we?

you know what, we better just rename everything to fighter.

None did because it was never there to begin with.

This is correct, there is no “witch” type.

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