Wot in an Oppressed Nation

Irony 101: Incel was started by a woman that just wanted to talk to others about being single and inactive

Yeah pretty much.

“People have begun to call me out for the unrepentant douche nozzle I am therefore my freedom of speech is being infringed and I’m oppressed.”

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Freedom of speech has never been freedom from consequence.

That being said you don’t have free speech on the internet as you’re speech is bound to what the social platform you’re soap boxing at allows.

Also i feel old what’s the npc meme?

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Basically the above groups have decided “sjws” all spout the same stuff over and over again so they’ve taken to attempting to insult people they disagree with/hate by calling them NPCs.

Ooh I know this one. Basically “if you don’t agree with me, you’re a mindless program who just regurgitates preordained lines” a la an NPC.

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I assume the irony here is that people who scream about sjw do the exact same thing then?


It’s “sheeple” but also like, stating that you are so brainwashed you are no longer human or something.

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Yeah they’re so tired of being told THE ANCIENT CAVE IS TO THE NORTH and WELCOME TO OUR TOWN!

Pray return to the Waking Sands.


Welcome to corneria.


Yup. The groups in question typically have a grand total of maybe 10ish “talking points” that they all regurgitate ad nauseam. All the while completely unironically calling others NPCs

More dumb internet stuff.

I’m gonna shamelessly share a part of my routine I do when I know at least half the crowd isn’t alt right crazies.

The thing that drives me insane about the term snowflake is that there’s no one it applies to more than the people who use it. They make a joke about a hate crime, or mercilessly bully a trans person, and if you raise your voice at them, you’re a snowflake. You’re too sensitive.

On the other hand, if I make one joke at white peoples’ expense about police brutality, or mens’ expense about sexual harassment, they practically break down in hysterics and find me after the show to tell me off.

But no, I’m a snowfake because I get uncomfortable when you use gay slurs liberally.


I like swords.


I bought a game called Chasm.

I got a sword that does +1 damage for every 100 enemies i kill with it.

It’s a dumb sword

Basically. Want a perfect microcosm?

Look at Far Cry 5 vs all other. When were killing a bunch of non American crazy people it’s fine. Suddenly it’s a HUGE deal when were killing crazy white supremacists.


is it official that i’m an old person that the reference slipped under the radar

my hip’s giving out, help

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Can I get that sword in WoW?

Only Far Cry game I ever played.