Wot in an Oppressed Nation

I cant bring myself to watch the trailer.

Iā€™ll admit that I really liked the show Cats when I saw it, but ffs if youā€™re going to do it with weird visuals at least make the singing good.

My ex wife said the same thing about me in the shower.


I have the DVD of the old stage musical the above video is from.

Letā€™s face it, Cats was never not going to be a weird show. Itā€™s a bunch of ballet dancers contorting themselves in bodysuits and circus makeup. It doesnā€™t have a plot, just a series of disconnected character songs.

This new version seems to be leaning hard into the aesthetic, pushing what was already a surprise that anybody liked it into territory that seems determined to ensure nobody will.

Yeah, Iā€™m definitely gonna see it.

Iā€™m going to be even more unpopular after saying this but I wasnā€™t really that freaked out by the character design in Cats 2019. I think it looks a little silly at worst but I canā€™t personally get behind some of the borderline hysterical responses Iā€™ve seen. I certainly donā€™t think itā€™s anywhere near as alarming as Sonic.

I suppose my stance isā€¦ it seems goofy to me, but itā€™s not for me. Not everything is for everybody, and thatā€™s okay.

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Now the freakazoid theme is going to be stuck in my head all night you all suck.

ā€œharder corden where is your beastā€


Just make sure you donā€™t say Candle Jack or els

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You fool everyone knowā€™s that if you say candle jack h

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Aw come on, Candle jack isnā€™t so tough, I bet heā€™s just a wim

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Me the last person to get it when I saw the Cats trailer.

ā€œSo like, are they like tiny ballerina people trapped in a giantā€™s world OH THEYā€™RE THE CATS???ā€


Cats is a weird show.

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Iā€™m just gonna leave this here.

Yā€™all see what I mean?

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I never had a desire to see Cats.

The off Broadway cast of Hamilton came to my city a few months ago. I was really excited to go see it until I saw ticket prices. I decided it wasnā€™t worth the same cost as one month of my car payment, so I skipped it.

And then I found a bootleg of Hamilton original cast on Youtube. It was definitely worth my $0.00 to watch that before they pulled it offline.

Itā€™s just a bunch of cats singing about other cats while those cats dance and then shunning an old cat who sings the song everyone knows and then something about an evil cat and then the old cat gets to go live with the aliens.


If any among you think Windcharger is kidding, let me assure you: that is literally an accurate and fairly detailed account of the plot of Cats.

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That sounds amazing.

Itā€¦sort of is, actually? Thereā€™s a reason this thing ran for decades on Broadway.

If youā€™re a cat person and can relate to the lyrics (itā€™s based on poems by T.S. Eliot), if you like ballet or are simply impressed by the athleticism of performers who can move that way (it actually is super impressive), then yeah, thereā€™s appeal in the show. And, of course, Weberā€™s music is just plain excellent. If I sound overly critical, let me I just assure you I actually like Cats. I do own the DVD, as I said.

But good lord it is objectively a weird show.

I saw Cats off-Broadway, and while I was too young to consider ticket prices it was nowhere hear Hamilton levels.

If anything about the show jives with you, I definitely recommend a live viewing if circumstance allows. This particular show lends itself rather well to a live audience in the way other musicals donā€™t, plus there really is something wild about seeing the athleticism in the flesh. But good god there is basically no plot.

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