Worth transfering to as ally?

Hello everybody,

I’ve been a day one Incendian alliance player, but the fact that there’s not so much horde there kinda made me disappointed. Therefore, I was thinking about transfering my lvl 32 dwarf to Earthfury, because I love World PvP while leveling. How’s the situation? Do you think the transfer would be worth it? Are there a lot of people currently leveling on the horde side?

Thank you in advance!

Basically, all the Horde that used to be on your server came here. We could use more Allies to fight all the new Hordies.

Earthfury used to be s fairly even split between factions, and it was common for Alliance players to help each other fight back against Horde aggression. The mass Horde transfees from Incendious have skewed the balance in favor of the Horde. There’s no shortage of wPvP here, so come on over!

If you do come here, I would be happy to protect you in dungeons or STV. Just ask for Geofram the Bold.

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Thank you very much for your answer, Geofram, the Mighty. Hoping to transfer this week with a buddy. I’ll let you know!

it’s not Geofram the Pold anymore?

It’s always been Geofram the Bold. I just switch the ‘b’ in bold with the ‘p’ in protect when spamming to fill groups.

oh that makes sense