Worth rolling mage or warlock?

pvp is rough, Mythic plus is annoying as affliction. They are in a strange place.

and his question was mage or lock. and its no contest ATM

All three lock specs can be used in 15 keys. It may not be meta but they are still

Affliction is strong in raiding (which is what he asked about) and Destro is playable as well.

Locks always start expansions slow in pvp and get better as the expansion goes along.

Raiding wise lock and mage are both close to even

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trye to pug as a warlock and see how many invites you get to a 15 key!, NO, Warlocks arent fine at all.


Lol @ rogue trying to tell locks all three of their specs are fine.

Go back to the rogue forums.

Warlocks being fine or not fine has nothing to do with pugging keys.

So many factors go in like IO, group
Makeup, meta fanboys.

End of the day locks can pull their own weight in 15s even if they aren’t meta.

Lol at thinking people only play one class. :man_facepalming:t3:

What did you decide? I am at the same boat