Worth it to upgrade honor gear to 3/5 before Tuesday?

Anyone point to save honor before Tuesday ? or just spend it to level to 3/5 honor gear for a extra edge come Tuesday ?

The upgrades are for pve. They scale up in pvp to 411 whether you upgrade it or not.


The upgrades don’t affect PvP, or aren’t meant to.

They simply disabled the last 2 tiers to prevent the potential outcry from PvE players when they hear that doing battlegrounds is the “optimal” way to gear up.

People take their mythic0 prep seriously despite the dungeons being doable at like 300 ilev.


Jokes on them ill bedoing bgs to gear up regardless. Havent enjoyed bgs this much since probably cata.

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Thank you for explaining. Made the mistake leveling up everything to 3 on my preservation. oh well

And for those that want the ilvl for pve content, I imagine you are better off saving the honor for upgrading conq gear.

XD I have nothing else to use my honor on. They should add the BoA tokens to the honor vendor. In fact I’m gonna make a post for that.

dont think can upgrade conq gear this season

You can, it’s just pve upgrades, though.

I did the same mistake. PVPers can still get blood token gear 366 ilevel though

They ruin everything

:dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

No point in upgrading honor gear since you can get the wpvp gear which already comes with a higher ilvl and set bonuses for when you’re outside instanced pvp.

I have 3 sets of gear in my bags now; wpvp, instanced pvp, and pve

Is the wpvp gear the 366 bloody coin stuff?

yeah, and you can get higher ilvl epics from the wpvp quests too, they’re 376 iirc and starting next week you can buy epic version from vendor for even higher ilvl

Curious, are the pve ilvls at least gated behind rating reqs? I haven’t done much digging and I didn’t touch the beta.

I’m pretty sure they are but I personally don’t think they should be.

I get why they are but it’s silly imo

Well I like incremental rewards and power gains so long as DURING competitive play we’re on equal footing. However I see the issue with boosting. Blizz just needs to put their foot down and outlaw all in game services that are not done via a trade window, even for gold. No boosting, no DKP, no mythic sales, etc.

I fully upgraded mine because I have nothing else to spend honor on. Guessing we can go 5/5 upgrade on it next Tuesday?

It’s comical to me that they locked it in the first place. Anyone actually wanting pve ilvl has higher than 370 right now, so 366 is useless XD

Yeah boosting will never go away and I don’t think it should.

Pilots and RMT? Sure. You could even have a legit gripe with blizzard because of the wow token supporting gold sales.

But the idea of gold boosting going away is a pipe dream.

Edit: I’d be down with banning boosting in PvP specifically but since they won’t ever ban PvE boosting it would be a hard sell
