So im pretty new to wow. Im thinking of going tank to save time. Im debating between dps or tank. But tanking seems better just to save time for m+. Is it easier and faster to join a mythic plus group as a tank?
While it is easier to get a spot in a group. The responsibility and knowhow of the dungeons is also much higher.
People expect a tank to know what to do, most often, to lead the group.
Yeah, gearing a Tank through M+ is significantly easier than gearing a DPS.
Tanking is a different kettle of fish from DPS; you’ll definitley get into groups faster (assuming you aren’t getting ridiculous with your applications) and healers will naturally seek you out but there is also an expectation that in M+ you are going to know the Routes (IE how to get to the final boss with full trash%), hold aggro and angle mobs (IE get them facing away from the party with cones or other AOEs) as well as understanding how your personal defensive kit works.
You will get into dungeons way faster as a tank than as a dps and thus gear way faster.
if saving time is really what you want, as in getting groups faster and gearing up faster, go heals. the game is currently starved for them. If you want the fastest thing going, go augmentation evoker.
if you are starting a tank from scratch or are going to boost one, check out Izen’s youtube channel. he goes over the popularity of each class in the game weekly.
If you are on the fence about tank/dps, or even heals, paladin might be a good choice. they are very solid tanks as prot (great crowd control and support, but damage is a little light - pun intended), ret is decent dps, and holy are the top heals.
if you head down the tanking route, check out my post.
Play a tank if you enjoy leading the group and taking charge. All the stuff about routes and interrupts you should learn as a dps anyway, so if you’re up for the task then try your hand at tanking
I’ve tanked plenty on M+. It’s not terribly difficult (at least at low keys to like 9 or so?) to know how to tank. Essentially your biggest thing is knowing routes and what mob groups to pull. If you’re super worried I’d recommend doing all the current mythic dungeons that are this season on really low difficulties like 1-3 or so. Some are a bit dumber than others and there’s some that have multiple alt routes.
Otherwise, yeah you’ll get faster queues/better acceptance rate if you’re a tank. Getting gear is always a bit of a coin flip tbh since depending on your class you might have someone that also needs to gear and thus you must fight the true battle of fighting your inner loot goblin.
i hope u still wanna play after what ur abt to get into lol gl.
Are you okay getting yelled at, insulted, belittled, etc. when failing at the littlest mistakes or wiping?
Is this really true, even for low keys?
Queue might only be fast if you’re already geared and scored. If you’re 200 io and 410 ilvl they might just wait around for another tank in the +10 range for sure.
Being a high demand dps is also pretty quick. But the absolute fastest way is to not pug and make friends/guild or start your own group
Good luck and godspeed.
Oh for sure. There’s been a few times I queue for a key as a mythic while on my Evoker and I’m asked if I’m Aug or not. More than likely guaranteed to get accepted because muh damage boost.
So yourself and everyone else a favour and just no, don’t tank, not yet at least. Tanking does save time, but also being new to the game, meaning new to tanking, you would have no idea what you are doing, and it would be worse off for you.
You need to run as DPS until you learn how the game works, I see way too many players who are like “I’m new” or “I have never done this before” and are rolling tank spec, things turn south very quickly and it does nothing but ends up having a disbanded group, or if you are in LFG/LFR content, you will just be kicked out.
An experienced tank like myself who can tank M20+ and mythic raiding, sure tanking is much better, or healing, take your pick. But a new tank, you will make mistakes, you will make people angry, you will be yelled at and abused and you will actually end up wasting more time because of all the players leaving due to you as the tank not knowing the game.