Worst/Least Good Lore Character?

I’m only going with those that are relevant/close to relevant right now.

Calia in terms of just how bad of a character/concept she is, to me personally. I utterly hate her.

Others I hate include: Garithos, Gallywix, Garrosh (A lot of Gs), Tyrande, and Vareesa (however you spell her stupid name).

Exiling his own people for wanting justice and committing treason for a random enemy human is quite enough for me to write him off.

The best possible way to end the character is to have a taurajo survivor challenge him to Mak’gora, kill him, and replace him.

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I feel like picking Med’an is cheating.

It is, however, the most accurate choice.

In the same category I’d file Rhonin. Time traveling, raptor army summoning, hawt Elven girlfriend sister to more relevant characters invented explicitly for him having, condensed awfulness.

Nathanos ‘I have no power except to delegate to you’ Blightcaller.

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Garrosh. He had so much potential. He had an amazing intro and they could have gone in almost any direction from there and had a slam dunk. Instead, they bounced all over the place with his depiction and just ruined what could have been WoW’s first iconic character created outside of the RTS games.

It just kills me that they could have given Garrosh the same arc but just given him actual character growth to explain his actions and it would have been awesome.

What a waste.


“Treason” is the only sensible response when your leader (BOTH of them) decides to lolwarcrimes.

Justifiable if he did that at Lordaeron with Sylvanas raising his people as skeletons.

But no, once again the useless cow only steps in when the Alliance need help. Pathetic character, I hate him so much.

There was a reason Me’dan been being the Guardian of Azeroth if not the entire character as a whole been retconned.

Besides being a boring character on the scale of obtaining a full Netherite set with broken enchantments on Minecraft’s creative mode, him being Azeroth’s Guardian turned the series to World of Peacecraft.

Tyrande, anything that comes out of her mouth will lead to a disaster somehow.

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Best lore character - I would say Thrall. He’s kind of like the face of the franchise. But of course he went through the Green Jesus arc.

Varian was freaking amazing though. That Legion cinematic brought tears in my eyes because Varian was just so damn cool.

Worst (besides Me’dan) - Might be controversial but I really don’t like Talanji. She’s just incredibly boring to me. Her father may have not been the brightest, but he had that sort of “Denathrius” effect where the voice acting was just so good and had so much personality that there is just no way you can’t like the guy.

I really wish we could see Rastakhan eventually in SL.

Me’dan because He kind of ruined the Guardian Lore.