Worst WoW experience ever

With my 20 years of WoW, SoD has to b.e not only the worst version of the game but the most disappointing ever. It had so much potential. Phase 1 was amazing. Then it all went downhill from there. Dev bias for horde shamans left them unchecked for nearly the whole time for pve and especially pvp. Horde racials make it so alliance has like a 10% win rate at the most. Yet they still nerf alliance racials and classes.
Phase 3 was a disaster with incursions ruining the economy. Now phase 6 is a disaster. The flooded market of nexus crystals. T2 vendor. On and on.
Such a shish show. Back to retail I guess. Maybe classic+ might be good but I highly doubt it. Will just be another disastrous disappointment.


Cool story bro


Does posting that make you feel tough or something? Is it so hard to actually contribute to a forum instead of just taking a dump on it?

This really is the worst phase launch I’ve ever experienced, also in 20 years of playing the game. Everything is misguided, nothing is properly tested for quality assurance, the calendar wasn’t considered, and the math for materials wasn’t done. I’d love it if some devs actually posted on the forums to see feedback, instead of just worrying about sycophants on Twitter, but alas.

Can some devs actually come here to explain some of the though process for some of the decisions? You know, part of why there are official forums in the first place?


Hi guys,

My name is Jonny. And I’m a SoD-aholic. This is by far my fav version of wow and all I can say is, if you don’t like it, go play another version!




signed, Void Eld Warlock

Dude go play retail. You’re energies are better spent enjoying the things you like rather than talking sht about about the things you don’t.

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Horde racials are good, they aren’t good enough to slant wins in bgs good though.

??? What alliance racial got nerfed? as for “classes” you mean “class” and pally definitely deserved the nerf it got, and probably was still too lenient unless they nerfed them more than just the bubble change.


I mean, when half of his post is idiotic, I don’t really blame him.

No amount of money would be enough to get devs to post here lol. They’d probably feel less dirty in the sewers than the WoW forums.

Literally no one would care, and would just flame them one way or another regardless of their answers.

Yeah I agree Phase 3’s incursions were a mistake and SoD’s economy has had lots of rough spots. I also think phase launches especially this one have been rough with bugs, over tuning and exploits. Where I disagree is that I think it is mostly an attitude problem not a balancing one for Alliance pvp. I also think SoD has been one of the best versions of the game because unlike almost everything else produced by Blizzard they decided to take risks. Some of those risks failed spectacularly like incursions, fire resist heat requirements, pvp balance and bad communication with the community. Others succeeded like updating crafting professions, finishing questlines that were originally left hanging, allowing flex raiding and tier gear exchange, adding reals to repopulate dungeons, allowing specs that were unplayable in era to have relevance, improving rotations, etc and I hope they take those ideas into whatever they do with classic next.

I wont disagree too much with your points but Ive enjoyed SoD and cant go back to fresh because of SoD. :man_shrugging:

If you think that post deserves any respect whatsoever maybe you should go join him in retail.

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You’re meant to contribute something with a reply. Do you have any actual thoughts on the post, or are you just going to be a 4chan weirdo?


“4chan weirdo” for dismissing the latest QQ post on a video game forum that reads like it was written by a 12 year old? Try harder bro.