Worst PVP expansion of WOW by far

I’m hoping something changes soon I don’t think I’ll ever up and quit forever but this pvp is trash. I’ve never struggled so hard to hit 2.1k but I did get my welfare enchant lol

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I actually haven’t played a single 3’s match on this guy since like week 4 of the season. How do I convince boomkins and mages to play? What incentive do they have playing with an ele who provides nothing compared to the other options they have? Even applying for groups in LFG results in spam declines or just idle applications. This game sucks.


Well this is what happens when you aren’t grateful for templates you complain and boom it’s gone along with vendors which will never come back for pvp I’m almost sure. Now kick back and enjoy world of rngcraft like it seemed most of you so desperately wanted cause of your precious customization.


It’s time to unleash solo rated random teams queue bracket. Come on blizzard. People just want to play and not try to spam LFG looking for fotm comps which is littered with toxic players.


WoW arena will never be as good as it used to. Just don’t see it happening. Even if they brought back vendors, the gameplay is all just trash now. The time you put into WoW could get you way farther in almost any other game.


This is definitely not the worst I’ve seen PvP, and I’ve seen every season since WotLK. I really like the new PvP talent system, the new arenas introduced over the past few expansions, and even the changes they’ve made to titles.

I’d say it’s class design that makes this expansion feel bad. Since the initial pruning done in WoD, almost every class/spec has felt “empty” in some sense. I find I can’t really main anything anymore. 2 weeks on one class, and it just feels like I’m going through the motions, which makes everything just feel like a grind.

Then, even if I wanted to make an alt, I’d have to try and collect all the ideal azerite pieces to even have a viable spec, many of which are locked behind RNG world quests, mythic+ caches, and world bosses.

I’ve just never been burnt out faster on a WoW expansion. I’m basically done with this game, after only 4 weeks since I returned.


Honestly I thought it was a really good first season until they let RMP, RMPala, and turbo run rampant with no hotfixes for what, like a month or two now? (Enhance got some hotfixes but turbo still provides way too much reward for how simple it is to play).

And fury in 2s should be hotfixed to garbage tier ASAP.

And with the focused will change coming to Disc in 8.1, Blizzard seems intent on letting turbo-style comps (including the current design of Rogue/Mage) be top dog.


Eh, like I said, I had an extra month to kill.

Also, can you sign my checks?


This 1000%. Gear is easy to come by for the most part. Actual upgrades though? Not so much.


They keep nerfing disc and holy pally and mages remains untouchable sigh

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I could not agree more. PVP gear should be free, disabled outside of rated PVP, and the RNG reward system should be adjust to award less gear but the gear awarded is equivalent to Mythic+ or raiding (depending on your rating). You also have the weekly chest which acts exactly like the M+ chest.

Look at that, everybody competes fairly inside of rated PVP and can also earn PVE gear at the equivalent rate of PVE players. You also massively increase arena participation due to the elimination of the absurd barrier to entry and allow skill to determine the best players, not “i lucked into my BiS gear while playing/winning less games than anybody else”. If Blizzard actually cared, they clearly separate the two games (PVP and PVE) and balance them accordingly.

You seem to understand competitive gaming and understand how it works. I’m going to assume you come from playing another game, right?

I like the old system of rating =gear. This is an mmorpg after all. I agree with all of the points in the mainpost - pretty much nailed it.


This tbh. play rmp @1600 and its the same @2200. scuff their opener, dont watch dr, waste blind. get a five second kidney without your trinket and they win. gameplay is super scripted and toxic by design.


No this definitely wins worst


This is the worst Pvp xpack. For the simple fact of rng . Or what they say is RNG is just another way for pro players having an edge on others . I dueled a fury warrior just tonight that was in a full kidney at 37% health with fully bleeds garrote being buffed and vendetta on him and guess what he procs tons of healing and heals to full before out of the stun. Now please tell me how that’s balanced? 2kxp player here with him being a 2.6k player. So I tested it over and over and over again with the same warrior. He would proc all kinds of stuff while hitting me while I was only procing my weapon enchant to increase haste the entire time for every duel! So please tell me how that is balanced? I believe the real issue is blizzard crippling players . There are still stat weights and templates. I find it awful funny how I can feel like an absolute god for days and then boom out of no where doing zero dmg to enemies in PVE or PVP with zero changes to my spec my talents nothing . Go from doing great dps to none on Tuesday ? Does anyone else see the problem here ? Or is it just me? Don’t you find it kinda of odd that the player base has went down by millions and then all of the sudden Blizzard creates this absurd “RNG” system that is currently in place today? I don’t think its a coincidence but that’s just me! I’ve played this game off and on for 10 years now . I unsubed and I wont be back. "There is no “RNG” system . Its just a gimmic to make high rated players have an edge because with the player base and without the edge it would be a fair playing field and so much work to grind to high rating . :wink: nice try blizzard. Also for the record if you want to play a fun game that takes skill and still and MMO based on grinding and resources play ARK !!!


They cant do a solo rated random teams Q. IT isn’t possible. They wouldn’t be able to control what teams would get placed with each other . Have you noticed that if u win lets say 4-5 games against teams of an even playing field. Then get thrown into three matches with the “GOD COMP” of that current season. There is a reason for that . That is made by game design. They want to make sure to drive you down in rating you just achieved making you think it is just about your gear. For you to play more into this broken game. They have crippled pvp in all ways shapes and forms


Imagine living in 2018 and still thinking that gear is the most important factor in pvp.
Did you think that Rogues should 1 v 1 anything and no other class should outplay you?

that is not how this game is balanced. and also Assasination Rogue is up there with Fire mages on the specs that are broken AF. How come you have the damage you have with utility? – see, both can play this game.

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Wow PVP has been utter trash for years now, Legion was just as garbage as BFA

Vendors won’t fix anything, balancing won’t fix anything

The root of the problem is the terrible gameplay because of the absurd amount of pruning for the past 3xpansions.


your post doesn’t make any sense what so ever . . . my post stated that I outplayed a 2.6k rated player. Hints to he is in a full kidney stun with all my bleeds one being an improved bleed and my hardest hitting ability cd vendetta applied. He was placed into a kidney shot with 37% Health. A full kidney shot at 37% health with improved bleeds and vendetta would kill any other player under his rating. So with that being said no I don’t think rogues should 1v1 everyone. That wouldn’t be balanced. The fact of the matter is that the 2.6k player got outplayed and still wins because of procs that are “RNG” when in real time they’re not “RNG” they are a crippling system blizzard has set in place because player base has went down so much pro players need that edge. END OF STORY! Do yourself a favor and go watch some high ranked arena play. They only score kills with their procs up. The proof is in the pudding guy.

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The fact that this is an MMORPG means nothing for a game trying to be more competitive and break into the e-sports genre.

Outside of rated PVP, sure… gear difference should mean something and you can have all of your glorious MMORPG fantasy crap. But creating an artificial advantage for people who are “luckiest” is the most braindead, backwards, and anti-competitive system any game has. It does nothing to help the game, it discourages participation, and it compromises the game’s competitive integrity (or what little this game actually has).

If this was such an MMORPG and gear was such a huge deal, why are tournaments played on the tournament realm where players allowed to choose from any gear in the game?