Worst pvp balancing ever

I don’t think I have ever seen a worse pvp balance since ret apocalypse and that was somewhat fixed within a week. Clear overperformers in both healing and dps, with not even a hint at anymore tuning. DK litteraly thrown in the trash can, Hpal and disc mite as well be the only two healers in the game. Solo shuffle MMR in the trash can. Blitz MMR is in the sky, its pretty much free. You can litteraly push so high you dont even lose rating for multiple games in a row.

What the F is going on?


NGL, i actually think balance is pretty close to being good.

Nerf feral damage (and probably the 20/ bonus healing received), nerf sp survivability, nerf sub rogue damage,

buff rsham/druid/mw mana and then buff arms bleed damage, ret final verdict damage and eternal flame/wog heals and DH chaos strike/blade dance damage and the game is pretty balanced, IMO.

Feels like every spec/role has at least 1 great spec atm.

Fury/arms are close to good
Uhdk is still solid, fdk is still cheese, but solid
Dev/pres/aug unironically all good
Hpal literally top tier
Frost mage S tier
Sp/disc s tier, holy still good
All 3 lock specs very good
Feral S tier, boomy good damage, maybe alight survivability buff
All 3 rogue specs good (sin underrepped atm because of hpal tho)
All 3 hunter specs solid
Enh/ele both good, rsham not bad at all
Ww solid.


This is one of the most balanced seasons I’ve seen.


I’m not doubting it, but enlighten me. I haven’t seen one in any PVP mode so far

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Df s1 post assa/destro nerf pre retpocalypse was the best balance bar none, but this is definitely not bad. It’s like people don’t remember df s3 was dh+destro/ele for every game until it got nerfed then assa+lock every game and df s4 was assa+aff and splay every single game. Outliers were far more pronounced then.

Super tanky and hard to kill, solid uptime/mobility, upheaval and eruptions on the go do ~2/1mil and spammable with EB procs. Think tankier devastation with stronger goes and worse sustained.

Too many specs borderline unkillable.

Ele shaman, WW monk, hunter (still), shadow priest, frost mage and feral.

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It’s not amazing, but it’s also not that bad. I haven’t really played arena tho tbh.

Uh, no. Right now our “survivability” is the only thing that makes this class playable at all. You do realize that 90% of that is the healer right? It’s not like we just up in the arena solo and face tank two DPS classes alone. :roll_eyes:

Lmfao it’s cuz ur playing disc priest I understand why you think class balance is busted :joy::joy: not everyone is as busted as u mate

I’m not sure if you’re memeing or just new, but SP is literally the tankiest spec in the game right now. If you’re struggling, it’s almost certainly an execution issue, not a spriest survivability thing.

To be clear, spriest NEEDS to be durable because so much of its damage is casted and it has extremely limited mobility. Because of its limited mobility, it has to aggressively position forward with no real options to retreat like mage or warlock, which is why it’s so tanky.

That being said, the mark was more than a little overshot on spriest survivability atm.

Did I say I was struggling? You people crack me up. Somebody has an opinion about something and your standard response is, “you must be new,” or “it’s a skill issue!” No dude, it’s an opinion issue. Not that it matters, but I 100% guarantee you I’ve been playing this game longer than the vast majority of the people on this forum, I’m definitely not new lol.

In any case what I said also happens be a fact, if SP didn’t have the survivability that it has it would be the kill target even more than it already is and get trained into the ground in 30 seconds in every round in every melee lobby. That’s not to say some people can’t still do well in coordinated 3s with comms without void leech, of course they can, and they are obviously doing well, especially with. But in RSS right now, which the majority of people are playing, it’s an absolute necessity regardless of what all the no-lifers are doing in the AWC.

That tankiness is literally it’s niche and only redeeming factor that is allowing it to do as well as it’s doing this season. If you actually play SP you know damn well that is true. But Blizzard chose Void Leech over actually addressing the core of SP weaknesses which you yourself just mentioned.