Worst month for this kind of trolling

It honestly becomes discouraging the level of hate and vitriol that gets thrown around with very little sign of any action taken. People get to say vile things and are allowed to just keep posting.


I’m just going to repeat what was said to me when i created a thread on a similar issue:

Basically, from both Orylia and Vrakthis, when people engage with such behaviour, it does make it harder for all moderation to do stuff in order to help keep the forums clean.

Vrakthis does want to see some changes within the moderation to make things easier, not just on the player, but on the moderation, but they are human beings after all.

Only thing that can be done for us players is to report any thread or post, and not engage with the thread, or post.


These are sentiments that I do indeed get, but it’s tough to reconcile that when it effectively lets their point remain unaddressed and unanswered until moderation gets around to it. And it’s gotten heinous enough that, in my honest belief, some things have needed something said then-and-there.


See heres the thing back and forth fighting is just as likely to get you into trouble as the other poster sooner or later it will catch up to them. Just like ingame suspension theres forum suspenion would be nice if there was a insta lightning bolt that wields the ban hammer but the forums just arent designed that way.

Rember folks be the better person by not feeding the trolls there stringy and not alot of flavour.

Has that helped?

With all due respect… had someone called you mentally ill due to your identity, how would you feel?


To be frank, this isn’t the place for this. If you feel they’re breaking the rules, you’d want to report the posts. THe CS forum isn’t really the place for this and trying to toss what ifs about things everyone on the internet had to face already isn’t useful.


The point of this thread is feedback about moderation of statements targeted at LGBTQ+ persons here. It’s apt for CS.


This isn’t customer service forum though. This is customer support, as in - player help player.


This isn’t a feedback forum, more so when the blues here can’t control the mod team or direct them at a given poster because someone post here.


Funnily enough, the particular blue you’re referencing was the same one that assisted, same place, last time this came up.


Personally? I pity the person doing the name-calling. How ignorant of them to belittle a person behind the monitor.

You have a limited amount of energy. Don’t waste it on trolls. :stuck_out_tongue:


the worst part is those of us who try to foster a good friendly community within the rules
as trolls and bad actors run wild