Worst Launch in History

I logged in at around 5, hung out in Goldshire until around 5:50, went to the docks with a ton of other people, jumped on the first boat, and zoned to the Dragon Isles. Still questing now without a single issue; far as I’m concerned, I have zero complains. :ok_hand:t4:


Why is that an excuse every expansion? Literally hear it every time.

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It isn’t clean but it has a way to go to be the worst!

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I bet all the preteen kids are just ballistic by now!

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They did, and because of that they reduced the number of people who could be on a realm which resulted in 10k++ queue’s

because of crybabies yeah. Ill agree with that

Nope, they weren’t.

Pfff, did you not enjoy getting stuck in your garrison for hours?

because everyone is channeling Veruca Salt. “I want it now!”


OP, you must have just started if you think this is anywhere near the worst launch. lol


Going to give this another 10 minutes before I go log in to ff14. This is horrible

is there a streamer thats not in dragon isles yet? this is stupid


Being trying to make it past the character select screen.

Lost count of attempts.

Rotflmfao you don’t even know…the horror those who have played through WoD launch and survived had seen.


Stuck in my garrison? My biggest issue was getting my garrison set up in the first place lol

Well, I think I might just play my lowbie draenei through WOD… at least that is working. :rofl:


The conspiracy theorist in me is thinking this server down business is their way of slowly filtering people into the new zone, rather than using the queue system.

This was the exact comment I was coming to make. Perfect. I remember how much fun WotLK launch was. Such fun.

Both WOTLK (bad enough to make Blizzard give people 3 days game time credit) and WoD were worse.

Either you haven’t played for long or you are trolling.

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Maybe you should do a little research next time. It was literally all over the forums, you could even watch the DDoS attacks on various websites. I was literally there. There are even articles about it online.

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