Worst iteration of your spec (or class)

Leveling as most specs in vanilla is awful

There’s only a few that are fun imo

Arcane gets less fun to play every patch. Little decisions over time have put it in a really clunky spot.

If we ignore times where it was unviable like vanilla, I’d say 11.0.7 is as bad as arcane has ever been.

And then there’s this hubris–

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What are you talking about? Something from BfA or SL? I missed those expansions. x_x


Prot wasn’t using Spellpower 'til BC, and even then, it was only on the weapon. And you don’t need a taunt if you never lose threat. Forced tank swaps weren’t that common in vanilla, and if I remember correctly, a lot of raid bosses were taunt immune anyway.

Honestly I think I like War Within’s version of Elemental Shaman the least since I started playing it in Cata

Balance druid: Vanilla era was the worst time because of high mana costs and lack of crowd control indoors.

Metamorphosis, it turned Warlock from the masters of ranged attack to a quasi-melee Spec. Fortunately, Legion rid us of that nonsense!

Priests Shadow spec during Legion, BFA and Shadowlands was atrociously terrible.

They took what Shadow was for 10 years and then threw it completely in the garbage bin just to give it a central theme focus with the Legendary and the new playstyle was an abysmal failure for the majority of content offered in the game.

They spent multiple patches, years, and expansions trying to make it work all the while alienating the Shadow Priests of old that preferred the playstyle they have known for a decade and really only making the new playstyle viable for long form single target with low mobility encounters which effectively relegated it to only perform in Raiding environments only for it to out scale the acceptable parameters blizzard allowed which caused them to nerf the spec to get it back in line which then resulted in the Shadow players that are not geared or don’t partake in raiding to struggle severely with world content, dungeons, and PvP.

The problem often experienced is that by the time you start to pop off, everything is already dead from the more bursty specs which is basically all the others resulting in you wasting the momentum you built up for nothing and so you had to either not play at all (When you could not control when you entered Voidform) or you are facing something that won’t die fast.

You also struggled when it came to any CC effect either self imposed or in PvP where a simple interrupt can torpedo your DPS if you are in Voidform as a best case and worst case you just flop over dead or your team does because you are never allowed to get your momentum going.

Often this happened in world content as well where you struggle to get into Voidform because your damage outside of Voidform is so abysmal that you can easily die beforehand and then once you finally do, often the mobs die upon you entering Voidform thus wasting it completely or you die because you were so overwhelmed due to taking so long to actually get going.

They have made improvements since but now the spec is a mismatch of all kinds of ideas that doesn’t flow well. It’s just a mess of all the different things Shadow has been able to do but not really implemented in a good way with many ideas just completely missing elements that made them good when they were first implemented like Mind Spike.

Ever since Legion, I lost my drive to do anything serious on my Priest now and just continue to provide suggestions on how to fix things while I enjoy it from a casual perspective.

Honestly that is what killed the spec for me, you need to be forced with this void bs, with tentacles and old gods and “waifu dagger” yrkes me.

I liked pure shadow shenanigans, so other races like trolls and taurens could fit the role of witch doctors and spirit wardens.

LEgion was like the big culling, lot of classes and specs sacrificed a lot of their uniqueness to fit their “fantasy” they created for that expansion.

This probably isn’t going to be an opinion many share, but Legion Arcane Mage.
The spec went from S tier, Primsatic Crystal + PoF + Arcane Missiles pumping into top DPS in Hellfire Citadel, to Arcane Explosion spam and Mark of Aluneth burst.

Granted this is heightened by Hellfire Citadel being peak Arcane Mage and then Legion moving my focus from Raiding to M+.

But still, I exclusively played Mage from Cata through to Legion and Legion was the expansion that ultimately made me change.

MOP and to a lesser extent WOD was the golden age for the two DPS classes of warrior. It was just straight unfair to other classes XD

Vanilla Paladin for sure. Boring, can’t hold threat, boring, boring, 5 min buffs, did I mention boring?

Three, if you count wod glad stance :smiling_face_with_tear:

I think other classes were good, grant it, i didnt play with every single one, but i remember then being fine, warlock and hunter were goat as well

I miss gladiator stance so much.

Fire Mage right now but looking like 11.1 will be even worse…