Worst Halloween Candy


You caught me.


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I mean, if it’s good enough for Linda Belcher… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Baxter, stop dialing the phone

what’s truly awful is when people drop random stuff in your bag that’s not candy. Back in my trick or treating days I saw people drop in tooth brushes… or like apples but the sour kind. I mean come on people kids only get to go after free candy once a year and you’re dropping stuff like that on them? Then there are people who drop popcorn balls in the bags or again…fruit… or god forbid joke items you’d see at a spencer’s

black licorice :nauseated_face:


Yo, that might have been a message. Brush your teeth.

We gonna fight in the parking lot? I bet i hate black licorice more than you. I have a mean right hook.

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As an incognito alt, I agree coconut is bad, candy corn should be outlawed, and licorice is C tier

Baby Ruth’s are the worst, just as useless as they are flavorless

Sangy you about to get hit with a left hook, give me some Heath bars and then we can talk.


I, too, am an anonymous alt and we will agree to disagree on the coconut.


OK we about to fight in the parking lot. Who wants to go? I got a bag of Skittles and Hershey bars

Candy Corn, without question!

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candy ducks!

Candy corn is just ammo in my opinion. Who actually eats that?

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black licorice.

not sure how people can eat it but it doesn’t taste good imo. i tried some from denmark as well it was filled with some sort of “cream” tasted okay with the cream. the cream was very sweet and kind of pasty like playdough consistency.

i mean i can understand the bitter/sweet stuff as im a cook irl but usually things like this are mostly good for say “health benefits” unless you heavily dilute the flavors with other things. kind of like galangal which looks like ginger but has a very distinct smell and taste.


Surely not all of it is going into craft projects or the garbage can. The National
Confectioners Association conducted a poll, and roughly half of respondents across all age groups said they liked candy corn — although the preference was stronger among the older Gen-Xers and Boomers.


russell stover’s peanut butter pumpkins.

I am considered a boomer now. Candy Corn is almost as cruel as giving kids brussel sprouts.

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Ok this is what I’m talking about.