Is not the drama or the childish name calling or the pug-stomping or the arrogance and bullying, or even the sense of entitlement.
It’s dropping queues when getting a partial pop and leaving a team to start 10 to 20 players down, especially on the high win rate first objective maps like IOC and WG. That’s just garbage.
Legit players get stuck with the option of playing out a near certain loss or leaving and copping a 15-minute penalty. Either way, their gametime’s temporarily ruined through no fault of their own.
None of them care at all. They will just come in and imply it’s your fault somehow. They are the bottom feeders of wow.
Just curious, are you reformed? As in, you never premade anymore?
But ultimately you are correct about leaving pugs high-n-dry, and that is the avenue severely-anti-premade people should have been pursuing all along, NOT crying about syncing, which was actually revealed to be something blizz said they’re OK with. It’s actually crazy to me how people try to refute this when the blue post is there and is quite clear, except to people who want to twist things into a pretzel simply because they disagree.
Also, since blizz is going to intentionally degrade epic BGs by nerfing NPCs/vehicles to laughable status before the first season even opens - which encourages ‘solo-only’ players to demand worthless ‘rush’ games or refuse to try after the initial clash - I’m not sure I care that much anymore.
If blizz indicates they don’t care - they can’t even do regular tuning/adjusting of epic BGs so their original intent remains intact, and they decide to cater epic BGs to players who want to be out in 5 minutes - what’s the point of continuing to ask for the same improvements we’ve consistently requested for years?
Unless blizz chooses to make epic BGs great again, they won’t be.
Agreed OP.
it all just means a BAD experience for the player, more accounts that close and take their money to other gaming titles… Probably why we all see the NEW expansive mount, they gotta make up for player drop off. Standard scummy Corpo behavior.
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Ya this lie needs to stop already.
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Epic premades ruin the experience for both sides and it should be fixed so it’s harder to do.
Likewise I think there should be an actual premade queue that is like 30v30 or something, so that epic premade communities can still queue up and face other premades.
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I am not sure if ALL premade desires this. Only ones that are confident enough would be eager for this.
Well yeah, but having the option for those who do would be nice.
Yeah in theory it would be nice.
Most of the epic communities wouldn’t use it though, they enjoy pug stomping too much and don’t want to risk losing to another better premade.
Just like how most communities try to dodge BSG
I would imagine there would a lot of drama over who gets picked for the team. It’s why they don’t wargame much.
Respectfully disagree here.
Abusing an exclusive queue sync method, to stomp on regular players that are just trying to queue what should be the most accessible pvp game mode, is complete and utter BS and deserves zero sympathy.
This makes the game worse for literally every single ‘normal’ player just trying to queue up some bgs. The status quo is completely asinine and indefensible. Queue syncing should be eradicated, including account bans after a warning, or embraced w/ in game premades made available to all.
I agree and it will be great to have this option. We need other methods to help keep Premade away from Pugs. I love premading but only to fight another premade. Hope Blizz can solve this tough problem.
lol yes
Also, if its a by-choice design, I am not sure what kind of incentive would be needed to encourage premade to fight other premade. Most people just want to feel OP and couldn’t take any defeat, especially after a day of hardwork.
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If we’re being realistic here, since wow pvp doesnt have the player base to support 40v40 premades, queue syncing needs to be aggressively and completely obliterated via bans. All of the data exists to do this reliably and safely to the point that it is completely destroyed.
I agree that a strong deterrent need to be in-place but what works the best will have to be evaluated. It would be interesting to see what Blizz does to solve the Premade situation in Blitz, which might guide their action on Epic BG.
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Honestly, if i were betting my own money, it would be on them doing nothing about any of it. but we can hope / make forum posts lol
Lol same
Still, considering Blitz is a rated competition that might make Blizz more uneasy about leaving the problem around.
Also maybe the premade vs pugs issue hasn’t reach its boiling point yet, and Microsoft acquisition had already influenced Blizz’s business decision. It will be interesting to see what they (Blizz and MS) would do if this problem reaches its critical point.
I disagree with this part.
Premade raids should never be matched against a team of random pugs.
If Blizzard allows full raids in random bgs without strict raid vs. raid matchmaking, they’ll basically be eliminating the only casual fun brackets meant for pugs. Games will devolve into join a premade raid or get roflstomped by one. Premade raids will send in a scout (or use other methods) to avoid stronger premade raids and seek out pugs. Goodbye pugs.
If Blizzard allows full raids with strict raid vs. raid matchmaking, they need to be cognizant that this system will be abused by premade communities for easy PvP rewards.
Just needs to be a specific 30v30 (or whatever works) queue for them. The rewards shouldn’t be any better than a normal epic battleground.
You queue up with 30 players and faced other premades that also queued up with 30 players.
When was this said? Is there a blue post? Did Ion come out and say it?