Worldvein rank 3

I just don’t understand the gating for worldvein boon. Rank 2 took 3 weeks already (2 weeks for a few). Now for rank 3 we have:

  • Table mission #1 - 3 days (18h with 2x reduction followers)
  • Table mission #2 - 3 days (18h with 2x reduction followers)
  • Table mission #3 - 8 days (2d with 2x reduction followers)

And since the 3rd mission only awards azerite and not the essence, I can only assume there’s either another long mission, or some quest that needs to be accomplished afterward.

Unless I’m reading the tooltip wrong, rank 3 upgrade over rank 2 doesn’t seem so ground-breaking it should have this level of time-gating attached to it – one could surmise the smaller window (1-25s) could explain this, but we all know if the essence is consistently proccing on the lower end of that spectrum, you’re going to hotfix it tout suite.

The time-gating on this rank of the essence seems extreme, and totally unwarranted. Please do better in the future.