< Worldsoul Expedition > Looking for chill raiders for Normal/Heroic!

Bal’a dash! < Worldsoul Expedition > is a mostly casual Horde/Neutral guild on that plans to progress through Normal/Heroic this expansion. We also plan to push M+ keys and maybe even dabble in some lighthearted PvP?

Our goal is to create a chill environment where we can all have a good time while still progressing. All ages 18+ are welcome, but the general guildie age leans toward late 20’s-40’s.

Our raid times are Saturday/Sunday 9pm-11pm EST (Server time), with time set aside before and after raid for OPTIONAL Mythic+ dungeon runs.

We are currently melee heavy and VERY DESPSERATE for ranged DPS, so we’ll be focusing on recruiting those first. We don’t care what class or spec you play. We also don’t care what faction or realm you are from (we have a mixed bag.)

If interested, reply here or add mitseygg or ashemoogle on Discord and we’ll be in touch!

Heya! I’m interested in clearing content with a small dedicated group :slight_smile: I main Shadow Priest and would love to join the guild. Message me in game on Yahna/Sel and I’d love to talk more!

I added Yahna in game, is that your character name? Otherwise, I can shoot you a Discord message or you can send me one.

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