World Wide Dk Raid Buff - Vampiric Aura / Unholy Aura

Which baked into initial WC3 games Dks have auras that buffed neared by undead this is a main class fantasy that already forgotten.

If you dont know what Unholy Aura does.
Original WC3: “Increases the movement speed and life regeneration rate of nearby friendly units.”

If you dont know what Vampiric Aura does.
Original WC3: “Nearby friendly melee units gain hit points when they hit a unit.”

Why are those not there for raid/group buff?


Because I suggested them in the Group Utility post and therefore it’s a fan based suggestion.

Just kidding, no idea. They really should be group utilities since Death Knights have always been anthesis of Paladins that also happened to have auras.

Btw, side topic: Silver Goggles or Silver Tiara?

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Didn’t we use to have those are presences? Yeah, they were like warrior stances. Why they removed them, I don’t know but they could add them back.


going into legion they called them useless clutter and a twitter post people showed up in an effort to keep them but they were still removed.

pally’s got most of their stuff back and warriors got theirs back so why cant we get ours back.

i still want the old horn back and abominations might along with something frost bring and unholy has something as well


They are. If something is up 100% then you can basically make it a passive across everyone and remove it, or remove it and just balance for the loss of that power across the board. If there is another raid buff that comes into play then they have to balance around that.

If DK has something like a leech raid buff, then boss damage will go up to compensate for that buff. A raid buff then just becomes “give me a guaranteed raid spot”. So they should all be removed.

“But class stacking” isnt really an issue. You have to have multiple people that not only have that class, but is able to play it for this to be a thing and most people struggle with just 1 class. Class stacking really comes in at the top areas of play and these guys already class stack and do whatever they can to down the boss first or as close to first as they can.

Just get rid of raid buffs. This game has strayed too far away from the RPG aspect and most into an esport competition even in pve.

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Because your character is not undead so the buff wouldn’t affect them.

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I like the tiara but goggles r choice too :heart:

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I dont like these kinds of utility buffs because then we have the only one dk is allowed issue where ie in a raid only one uh dk or one frost dk is allowed for the raid buffs .

I rather our personal damage or personsl utility is our reason

Hmm, because this character kinda relies on Mechagonian Gnomish Engineering to keep her life going… As a Night Elf. :joy:

That being said though… Solid candidates are:

  • Unholy Aura
  • Vampiric Aura
  • Abomination’s Might

I just don’t think AMZ is enough anymore. Grips are nice, can be game changer if they work but useless if they don’t.

I doubt Insidious Chill is enough either, I don’t know if this even stacks with Curse of Weakness.