That could happen in Last Titan, there has been some weird opinions from the Titans in the lore recently with a conspiracy to unravel what they’re plotting.
That could happen in Last Titan, there has been some weird opinions from the Titans in the lore recently with a conspiracy to unravel what they’re plotting.
Man… I miss Hero of the Storm.
“Yo Xal’atath! I DID IT!”
I feel old now.
Just because we tend to associate “afterlife” with divine stuff IRL, doesn’t mean they should always have to go hand in hand in fiction writing.
I think the robot / prototype stuff the shadowlands explained was interesting. You could even tie to “the real gods are beyond the game’s universe, the real gods are the developers, and all creations within the universe are prototypes.” That is an interesting perspective we don’t see often.
Yes, SL had a million problems, but the robots wasn’t one of them.
At least they had it’s moment to fly in popularity.
That’s really subjective.
I could argue the robot expansion is an appropriate comparison because it promised a technological titan landscape, that hosted robot beings. It didn’t promise metal androids & automatons, wires and sparks – It promised what was provided.
That aside, apart from the systems & gameplay, much of the Shadowlands lore & story – Many actually loathed. Heck it made a handful of popular lore-content creators to straight up quit the game, or at the very least take a large break from it. Not sure if you’ve seen Pyromancer’s ragequit video but it summed up how many felt at the time.
I mean they deadset said the afterlives were 3D printed and all the godlike rulers were robots.
Spirits aren’t eternal or everlasting either, neither is the afterlife – It’s an entropic, nihilistic cluster of realms.
Yes, and none of that is a writing problem.
The hoards of people calling WoW story & writing trash, along with the odd thousands of players who left WoW to other games - would beg to differ.
Mind you, those concepts & rulings of the afterlife also retconned years & years of established lore to the Shadowlands along with its foreshadowing … Although that was merely the tip of the iceberg when it came to the retcons Shadowlands unleashed, as many of us know with the apparent “totally planned all along” mastermind ‘ThE JaiLoR’
the writing is bad, but not because of that.
Dozens of us still play it!
Not because of retcons that changed the story of over 90% of the game?
Yeah, I don’t think we’re gonna see eye-to-eye on that. lol
retconning is a problem, yes, but the definition of the afterlife is not the problem of SL’s story. You just don’t like that definition, disliking something doesn’t make it automatically bad.
I found it funny there wasn’t more mechs honestly as hey the draenei and legion could stuff souls into immortal robots… yet Kyrian or even Venthyr couldn’t? Necrolords stuffed souls into fleshy bodies which don’t count and Night fae…was a mess all about nature so robots made no sense there. As far as mechs go I could see more mech mounts or even maybe combat mechs for something maybe built by Engineers but titan stuff seems to be left simple. We’re more likely to find out the titans imprisoned Azeroth within her own world trying to corrupt and convert her but idk how that story would play out if so. I for one have been hoping that titan Azeroth isn’t human shaped but actually a massive mother dragon esque being that holds domain over reality bending magic the Titans wanted to bend to their whims like Zovaal did. That when she wakes and has to leave she can repair our world to not end up killing off her children and gets hailed as a god from then on or something
I mean in that regard, I would’ve been alright with it moreso. They’re still souls, just infused into a vessel for more power.
I originally thought that with the golliaths & robots of Bastion, but they were like: “Nope. They’re just robots. Nothing more.” - which was sort of disappointing.
I’ve seen fan-art of Azeroth being a female troll with dragon-features, which lore-wise kinda makes sense given Trolls were one of the first sentient beings to rise up on Azeroth itself & not descended from the Titan-forged.
The Dragons being immensely powerful native elemental beings of Azeroth combined with that, is kind of a given.
Honestly, knowing Blizzard’s writing — I’m sort of predicting the titan ‘Azeroth’ will become an enemy and we’ll have to face her off to defeat, or perhaps even kill.
Breakcog. What happened to your head?
I’m avoiding the wrath of St Patrick.
edit: Although, you think I should’ve changed the shoulders?
Honestly,we don’t know the Titans are robotic ,more likely not since these are two different dimensions. As for them being void,I don’t think we seen void constructs.
I know everything post-Legion is incredibly fanfic-y, but…
My real issue with SL is: what happens when SL creatures die?
What if you die with your physical body while in there?
Do they go to super death? Or is everything in there made out of anima-powered tech that just disables (which was definitely not the feeling I got from the game, specially regarding e.g. Phalynx vs Larions)?
What is a soul? A miserable little pile of anima?
Right now, per Blizzard at least, something that’s already dead that dies again in the Shadowlands, and dies properly not whatever the hell is happening in Maldraxxus, you completely cease to be. No reincarnation, no nothing. Your soul and your remains get broken down into raw anima or something.
That being said, this was only ever mentioned in interviews, so it’s possible this may not be the case going forward if they decide against it.