World Server Down

Here also on Arugal i cant log into a new DK i made on alliance side. Funny thing is that i can make and log into a horde dk on the same server/same starting zone. So it seems to be not just a zone problem.

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Have tweeted @Blizzard_Ent and @Blizzard_ANZ, hoping someone will finally pick this up. Been almost 24 hours. Would appreciate game time compensation considering it was all I had planned for today.

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This is a bit silly now. Thought it was bad for me having tried the last 5 hours but looks like it’s been going on all day :grimacing:

Bump. Hey Blizzard, we are now measuring your response time in days, not hours or minutes!

wow ok, I never expected it to still be down this morning.

I just tried logging my main in again, and blow me down, its fixed - at least for me. You have never seen anyone hearth so quickly. If you are affected by this, try again now.
Thanks for the champion communication on this Blizzard - if you ignore something for long enough, it really will go away!

Yes I got in. I guess the people that tweeted finally got through to someone. This does not make me want to purchase dragonflight if this is the state of their c/s now.

Mine is still not working :frowning:

Bump. Still can’t log onto fresh Alliance DK on Arugal server. World Server is down. Works if I delete and make a horde tho…

I have the exact same problem on the exact same server. But I also sent it a bunch of Heirlooms so I cant delete it to try any other affected zones. Guess my Warrior will have to craft some Blacksmithing crap to replace the Heirlooms until blizzards is finished sitting on their hands.

Damn, that sux man. Problem is, as per my answered ticket. They believe that they have fixed the problem. Someone might have to go and call them out on twitter. Seems the fastest way to get their attention.

Still unable to login to my DK on Arugal

Same here seems alliance side arugal dk starting area is the problem.
Also settings are not carrying over to new dk’s made on horde or other servers.

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Looks like it

Also they just closed my ticket saying it’s been ‘fixed’ and now I can’t reopen it cause the website’s bricked lol

Same thing happened to me. Made new ticket. My guess is that was all automated.
Ohh well. Back to playing the waiting game again…

Just checked. Still can’t log into a Fresh made DK on Alliance side Arugal server.
Blizz pls fix this. Its been a while now.

Been over 24 hours. This is getting ridiculous. I have done what I thought I never would and made a twitter account just to try and get their attention.

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Still no fix as of this morning. :worried:

Same problem here. Arugal Alliance, new DK, world server offline when loading into DK starting area.

Could you try making a Horde dk? If you can, have you still got all your settings when logging in? Just want to check if we have the same problem.