World Server Down

World Server Down on my main. how do i fix this?


I also have this problem. Scheven on Grobbulus. Anyone got a fix?

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Same problem here on alliance grobbulus. My alt mage GnomishKush I cannot log into because it loads 90 % then kicks back to enter world screen saying world server is down. This is despite the fact that I can log in to my warrior in zangarmarsh and my level 1 alt in Elwyn forest. No solution as of 8:55 P.M/. EST 5:55 PST

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bump my paladin also grobb

Blizzard having issues due to a DDOS. Nothing you can do but wait my man.

For me, it’s only on US East that I am getting World Server Down.

same issue, just one character, others log in fine

Arugal is also dead for me on all toons. I assume its from the ddos and will try again later :slight_smile:

theyre doing a server restart on mankirk. hopefully this solves the problem

Same issue on Sulfuras. Any character in Azeroth can’t get in but Outlands loads fine.

I am also having this problem i think. Mok’nathal. I get on no problems, then after about 5 minutes i get disconnected from the server.

Hey Sigmaron

The thread you replied to was over 2 weeks old and unlikely to have the same causes to what you are currently experiencing.

If the issue is character specific and not realm wide or game wide, then the best course of action would be to default the game client to remove any potentially corrupt cached/temp data:

If you have any addon managers installed. They are fine programs but they have the tendency to prevent our troubleshooting steps from working. Please uninstall them and leave them off your system until we have solved the problem.

Once that is confirmed, we need to delete the temporary game files to attempt to eliminate any corrupt data that might be affecting the client or characters. Your game will rebuild them when you next login but this will remove all installed addons. Please do not reinstall any addons until we know the issue is resolved:

Let’s reset the in game user options:

  1. Click the blue bnet icon on the bnet app.
  2. Choose settings, then game settings.
  3. Click the reset in game user options button under the correct game listing.
  4. Confirm the changes and close the window.

We will want to run the repair tool on the game client:

If the issue is more widespread than a single character or realm then it is likely a connection issue. The following steps should help in that case:

Try doing an extended power cycle on your system. Turn off all devices including the modem. Wait 30 minutes, turn on the modem, wait 5 minutes, turn on any network devices, wait 2 minutes, turn on your computer and try the game.

You can try switching your DNS settings to use a free public DNS servers instead of your ISPs Servers:

We do not have individual steps for specific modems or routers so if you need assistance accessing or updating the devices, contact the device maker/provider.

Sometimes firewall or routing software/hardware will have some advanced settings to prioritize and manage types of network traffic. Normally that is not an issue but we have seen situations where it can interfere with the delivery of the data for our games/voice chat.

Let’s try turning off these features:

RoG (ASUS Routers Only)
Security firewalls (Some ISP provided modems)

Not all devices will have these options and the steps for turning these functions off will be different depending on the make/model/software version of the devices and programs involved. If necessary look at the documentation for your security and routing products to find out how to turn these options off.

In some cases there is a corrupt or misconfigured setting within the router or modem. We cannot say what that might be offhand but the easiest way to resolve these conflicts would be to factory reset the router and/or modem.

You may need to look up your specific model for the steps on how to do this and in some rare cases you may need to have this done by the ISP. Feel free to reach out to them for assistance if necessary.

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