Since people are starting to complain about world scaling, let’s gather some data on it.
Just below Dornogol on the map, There’s a Ramolith Stonecrusher that patrols around in a circle.
Post a link to a screenshot of how much health that mob has (if you don’t have TL3, put the link to the picture in backticks ` so we can see it), and your bag ilvl (since that’s what scaling uses).
For example, This is what it looks like currently on my 577 warlock:
(I know it’s bright, HDR display + screenshots leads to weird results)
Its’all fun and games until you start compounding the scaling. As in, you go into a Delve level 3 and spontaneously an elite has over 9 M health, when an elite at level 1 only has 2.4M.
I heard something about them doing that with ilv. Though I heard it was to make content a bit easier for those that had lower ilv coming into the expansion.
ilvl scaling was absolutely terrible in shadowlands. Until you got to normal raid gear level, you just didn’t really start feeling much stronger. That meant any casual player who didn’t do high-end content just didn’t get to experience their character getting particularly stronger at all.