World’s End Tavern Lounge #161

10/31/2018 09:26 AMPosted by Aevelamue
10/31/2018 09:17 AMPosted by Surfgirl
/wanders muttering

I <3 my job
I <3 my job
I <3 my job
I <3 my job


/cast paladin blessings on Surfgirl


omg when even the murlocs are saying "these people are crazy"
time to see the sun shine for a few min
ok, i feel my sanity is coming back
10/31/2018 12:23 PMPosted by Surfgirl
ok, i feel my sanity is coming back

thats good :) i'm guessing your boss is yogg saron?
10/31/2018 12:28 PMPosted by Aevelamue
10/31/2018 12:23 PMPosted by Surfgirl
ok, i feel my sanity is coming back

thats good :) i'm guessing your boss is yogg saron?

she's just now finding out about the call. Was with our control folks.

best way I can describe it, is think back to the old Star trek episode "A piece of the action" where they invented the game fizbin.

That's what my control peeps were doing
"We want this, but if the customer ops out we want this, unless they opt out with these words then we want this"

I was having visions of Jim Kirk saying....we want to opt out if the man on the left is wearing a red shirt and it's a tuesday, but if it's a wednesday and the next card drawn is a jack then we want the guy on the left to deal from the right


i couldn't handle that line of work lol
one more day of candy buckets to relax by =)
/stumbles in sniffing
Stupid cold, tired with a runny/stuffed up nose...

Man, I have been really inactive in here for the past week...
10/31/2018 03:39 PMPosted by Faolana
/stumbles in sniffing
Stupid cold, tired with a runny/stuffed up nose...

Man, I have been really inactive in here for the past week...


yep, saw a post on GD "What is your favorite Donut" => didn't see you in there, was wondering where u were :(
10/31/2018 03:44 PMPosted by Ashaula
10/31/2018 03:39 PMPosted by Faolana
/stumbles in sniffing
Stupid cold, tired with a runny/stuffed up nose...

Man, I have been really inactive in here for the past week...


yep, saw a post on GD "What is your favorite Donut" => didn't see you in there, was wondering where u were :(

I haven’t checked GD in days, and I have been on there even less than here.
10/31/2018 04:12 PMPosted by Faolana
I haven’t checked GD in days, and I have been on there even less than here.

don't believe you missed much over there in GD
10/31/2018 04:19 PMPosted by Ashaula
10/31/2018 04:12 PMPosted by Faolana
I haven’t checked GD in days, and I have been on there even less than here.

don't believe you missed much over there in GD

Just casual, toxic trolls mostly over there.
10/31/2018 04:30 PMPosted by Faolana
10/31/2018 04:19 PMPosted by Ashaula

don't believe you missed much over there in GD

Just casual, toxic trolls mostly over there.

yeah, not much creative.

Hey, did you ever get that sandstone drake you were looking for.
10/31/2018 04:35 PMPosted by Ashaula
<span class="truncated">...</span>
Just casual, toxic trolls mostly over there.

yeah, not much creative.

Hey, did you ever get that sandstone drake you were looking for.

No, been trying to focus more on Hallow’s End achievements right now, might do so afterwards.

yeah, not much creative.

Hey, did you ever get that sandstone drake you were looking for.

No, been trying to focus more on Hallow’s End achievements right now, might do so afterwards.

Been great low effort xp :)

Hoping to do another level on this one tonight :)
10/31/2018 05:54 PMPosted by Shalorel

definitely a few points of interest there :)

Very surfy outfit too

cool =)
10/31/2018 06:05 PMPosted by Ashaula
10/31/2018 05:54 PMPosted by Shalorel

definitely a few points of interest there :)

Very surfy outfit too

cool =)


Umm,'s the level 110 (froze at level 110 because BfA sucks), Shalorel!!!
funny thing is im makeing a 39 twink now too because BfA sucks
I think my looking over all my post history yesterday made miss the days when people used to actually talk to me. This was 2 to 3 years ago and mostly on Selosse on a different realm/account...the one with level 3 last night kind of happened.....