World Quest: Shell Corporation

This quest needs to be changed. There are a couple ways to make it less annoying:

  1. Make it to where we can move faster / mount with the snail snacks.
  2. Make the shell lootable by a maximum of 5 / all for a short duration.

As it currently sits, any movement outside of walking removes the snack debuff (making you have to find another one) and anyone can come up to the snail you feed and take the shell that spawns making you repeat the process of finding a snack and another snail.

It took me 15 minutes to complete this world quest simply because snails were either not available or already taken by someone closer. The treats often ran out of their 60 second duration simply because there wasn’t a snail around to eat it.

Please redesign this quest to make it more suitable for the content it’s filling. Thanks.

World Quests, by design, shouldn’t take any longer than 2 - 3 minutes to complete per quest. They’re a tedious task, at best, for reputation (if it even rewards reputation) and something else to check off the list of things to do twice a week. If this task, by design, takes any longer than 2 - 3 minutes, it’s bad design for the objective.


Blizzard. You NEED to change this to either:

  1. The person who uses the item on the snail is the only one who is eligible to loot the item


  1. Allow group credit.

The fact that people can follow you around and takeyour shell, causing you to get no credit, is just awful. Then, when you form a group in hopes of negativing this negative, toxic behavior that the quest creates, only the individual in your group can loot it and only they get credit.


3 more things on this.

  1. There is a crafter quest for killing the snails that are needed for this quest. Need to move that to another area and different snails.
  2. Some people when done are watching and going around killing the snails for the quest that others are trying to get. Need to make it so these snails can not be killed.
  3. Give the snails a higher spawn rate.

Several times I deshelled my snail only to see another take my shell. Then go and kill the other snails around me. This quest took me over an hour to complete. Stuff like this do not make the game fun. It makes the game frustrating to try to do a simple quest and it takes a long time to do.


I thought about reporting the players who were camping other people for their shells. But honestly, it’s hard to do that given that this quest design is deliberately inviting this behavior.

The quest sucks for all the reasons listed above. The temporary duration of the food you’re lunking around, the inability to use movement abilities or mounts while you have it, the terrible spawn rates of the snails.

And then, in the face of all of this suck, you stick in an easy out - just reap the reward of someone enduring all of the above suck by stealing the shell yourself at the end.

You can’t convince me that you didn’t do this deliberately, because the message I get when someone else snags the shell I put in all the time to get is, “That item has already been pickpocketed” (or some such).

Blizzard, don’t have the audacity to stick a social contract in my face and force me to agree to it if you’re going to create these situations yourself. It starts with you.

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It got to the point people were following me around, waiting for me to feed a snail instead of trying to find their own.

Yup, after my 3rd snail got poached on my pally I gave up. This is a terrible wq.

In general chat on the game, several of us were talking about the quest. One person said they did not know how to do the quest so they were taking the shells from others. No excuse. If someone does not know what to do on a quest, then they should ask in chat for help. This quest just encourages people to be lazy and leach off of others. If the game would fix the toxic crap in the game like this quest more people would stay instead of going to other games. If Blizz wants more people then make the game more player-friendly on the questing. Or make the rewards greater. 100 rep on this quest sucked for how difficult this was to complete.

The southeast corner had 3-4 snails and food that were very nice. Otherwise I agree with everything said about this world quest…I have 5 more characters to do this on and I am not looking forward to this.

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Crappy crappy quest…not only can others steal the item once you throw it on the snail…they can kill the snails too…will never do this quest again …it needs to be changed…while trying to do this myself there was horde players just killing the snails the rest of the players needed to throw the spore thing on them.

Yeah I won’t be doing this quest again unless there are some major changes too it…its a crap fest.

You can also kill them for this quest. Which is far far better than as designed. Nobody can steal your item if you kill it - though the drop rate is terrible.

Yeah, what a crappy quest. Snails barely spawn and they’re only up for mere seconds on top of the other issues. Adding this to the only bother with at 3:00am List

Was looking for a post about this one, it look me a half hour to do this because there were so many other people in the area and I either couldn’t get the snacks and a snail close together or when I did get lucky enough for both to spawn close together, people kept taking the item. I don’t think I have ever raged as hard as I did doing this quest. Fire the person that made this world quest and then fix it/remove it, its an actual troll WQ

Thanks for the suggestion on killing the snails. My husband did the quest, hours after I did, and we killed the snails. Did a lot better. People were still in the area looking to steal shells but were unable to this time. Saved a lot of time.

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