World Quest: "Can't Have These" Bugged

I’m stuck at 4/5 Artifact fragments found on my warrior. I use the quest item and it keeps routing me back to the third fragment I looted. I tried using the quest item from all over the world quest area and it keeps leading me back to that point where there is nothing to loot. I guess I really can’t have these :slight_smile:


Same issue, my last one 4/5 keeps sending me to the same exact spot, only it’s not spawning anything and mobs are hyper-spawning right there, cannot complete.
Doesn’t matter where I stand in quest area, sends to same spot.


same, I came here to post this, its annoying

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Same issue here

same issue i’m having as well

Having the same issue as well.

3/5 and it keeps tracking one I alrdy got and wont track another one

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i also cant finish the world quest

Same, stuck at 4/5

I was able to finish by following a youtube video for the locations since the tracker wouldnt work and kept sending me to one I already had. Mine wouldnt show me the one by the fire next to the tower.

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Also came here to say stuck 4/5. Will try the recommendation above and report back.

Confirmed; BUT, I had to disable all addons, and my artifact locator was not pointing me toward the one I was missing, so I went through all 5 spawns to find the missing one.

For me it was the northern-most (#3) one that’s missing. The wowhead page gives coordinates for each one

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Stuck at 4/5 Artifact Fragments. Tried Re-logging, reloading. Game thinks it finds it but the last artifact never spawns in.


4/5 Tracker doesn’t even try to find a previously found artifact.

Still an Issue in Feb 2024… 4/5