It seems there is a handhold that’s missing. You can only go up about 8 or 9 handholds and you get stuck. I was there with 3 other guys(don’t know them) and none of us could go higher. I watched 3 videos on the quest and they all showed a handhold that wasn’t in my game. Yesterday when I tried this quest, it wouldn’t give me Climbing Gear either. Today it did give me the climbing gear, but that handhold is missing.
There are also kittens that aren’t close enough to any handhold to rescue.
8 or 9 for you? Everyone I see is stuck on four.
This is specifically Are you Kitten Me? in Thaldrazsus at 59 76.
Both times I’ve tried to do this WQ there were only TWO handholds followed by a massive empty gap before the next one. A fix would be nice Blizzard, I’m sure you’ve had tons of bug reports for it.
Do you have the talents that Add handholds/ shortcuts to your route for the world quest?
Research that.
The world quest isn’t bugged as I was able to complete them without issue.
I was also able to let go and fly on my dragonriding mount and land next to a cat and click on it to rescue it without actually climbing. So there’s that as well.
If you would bother to actually read the thread you would see that not all shards are affected. It absolutely IS bugged, you simply got lucky with the shard you were on.
Each day it seems to be different. Last night I was only able to grab one handhold and that was it. A couple nights before I could grab 4. It’s def bugged.
The version of the quest that was up when you posted - 4 days ago - I was also able to complete. The current one is, again, bugged.
I have the entire tree fully researched, and in any case, the tree only makes it easier. It is possible to do without.
Interesting. It’s the same spot for me each time, and I watch others hit the same spot and stop, and then fall. Probably shard-based.
The one in the last set of wq’s I could do. I thought they’d fixed it.
This has been happening off and on for three weeks now. Needs to be fixed.
Today’s is fine. Able to complete it no issue. Is anyone NOT able to complete the one that came up after 1/10 reset?