World PvP, WM on PVE players

Had a disgruntled player of my faction complain to me in whispers for an hour because I killed him once. We both were WM on at a pvp world quest. His chief complaints were I passed snails to kill him and I didnt check his faction before killing him.

So, how rude was I for slaying this poor chap that I didnt know(or care) was in my faction? I didnt attempt to wait for him to Rez and moved on to kill other folks right after.


wpvp has some of the most unhinged interactions.
There are people who hang around the world pvp quests in a full party with all the buffs and gank for hours (especially earlier in the seasons), which is all well and good.
The unhinged thing is that when I also got buffed and started targeting their healer, they started getting on alts and whispering me to tell me I was ruining the game, and that I’m the reason nobody plays healers.

Some people are just stupid, and the best thing you can do is laugh at or ignore them.


Report him for harassment.

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Not rude at all. It’s a free for all quest, don’t know why people think just because they’re the same faction as you it means you’re supposed to ignore them.

Tell me about it… I killed someone in WPvP who was fully buffed and the next day they sent hate mail to me saying I was garbage, trash, etc.

Because of that, of course, I put them on my hit list and started hunting them on the daily. They didn’t like this and decided to have one of their butt buddies create a duplicate of my survival Hunter, with the same name, same mog, same pets, etc. on a different server and proceeded to go around in general chat pretending to be me and started to make up lies about me. My Hunter is Troolys-BleedingHollow, this person made their duplicate on Area52.

Dude is unhinged but regardless I’m still killing them everyday.


Yeah. My thought process was, in warmode, at a pvp world quest that is completed by killing players however optional, killing players of the same faction wasnt deemed rude by the pvp community unless maybe you’re fighting for a warcrate in that spot. There is never warcrates inside the border of the Snail quest. He was quite adamant that I had broken some social contract and that I must be a new player. I made sure to remain as composed as I could and not use profanity like he did. Not trying to get reported for a discussion.

PvP Happened. Been happening since 2004. It continued to happen just now.

My favorite whisper is “You can’t kill me, I am role playing. I am reporting you for griefing”.


I just laugh and say “turn off War Mode.” :laughing:

If someone said that to me I’d literally uno reverse card that back on them so hard.

“I’m roleplaying as a bloodthirsty troll survival hunter, that means killing anyone and everyone. I’m reporting you for destroying my immersion.”


I simply responded with something similar to “Be Gone Ghost! Rest If Peace and make sure to give your coins to the boatman.” in a RPish tone.

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Might this have been an Alliance resto druid that you triggered? Because I got the same response. Over a couple of days, lol.


Listen here kiddo, I donna’t know who you are talking about. :innocent:

Oh! That’s funny, I had a run in with that same druid… She said she was going to report me for “targeted” harassment and griefing because I was using world buffs to kill their group.

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In my case, The discredit player I came across was a possibly human death. Not completely sure about the race since I didn’t inspect him and he was very far away.

Gotta admit I prefer not to kill Alliance. But there’s a lot more of us in warmode than there are of them, so you do what you gotta do sometimes. :rofl: It does add a different dynamic to smack talk. I never respond, but it’s funny to see.

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Certainly didnt have the goal of killing my own faction, but i didnt check. My bad I suppose.

Do you know how an Alliance goes to frag other Alliance in PvP? They SWITCH factions. Vice versa how a Horde goes to frag other Horde…

What are you talking about?

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I use my N’lyeth, Sliver of N’zoth.

Or just go to a FFA zone. I’m not picky. Faction doesn’t really play a role in who I decide to fight, provided they are flagged.
Priest mind controls my friend? Sorry buddy, but if it’s red, it’s dead.


What did I just say? Yet you act like it’s never been done before, that people will stick with the same faction they chose since the beginning forever.

That’s the way, besides FFA which is still limited, to frag your own faction. You have to jump on the other team.

And yet people claimed we couldn’t balance PvP around 1v1…well, look what ultimately happened to PvP. Look what actually MATTERS. It actually MATTERS now, more than ever, what the individual can do for themselves.

Too much emphasis on teams, and roles in teams. Everyone has a cute little part to play in the team. This lasted for years and years, and FFA was very limited to do.

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Go home, you’re drunk.

I can’t understand it for you. Neither can my GM for that matter.