World PVP was a failed experiment in MMOs

They’re the ones asking questions.

Didn’t I just school you in that last thread?

Also students are the ones answering the questions.


I’d rather be from a bygone age of great success than this modern age of perpetual failure and lies.


So, if we met in south shore and i killed you or you killed me and then you brought someone else to help kill me and i brought someone else to help kill you, it would go into a big fight. however, this requires a big enough population balance or at lease some semblance of both factions existing on the server.

you just need the proximity, though in this example only seems viable from south shore, as it didn’t happen often in arathi , or wetlands, or desolace…

they just need to put the flight paths at odds, with the quest objectives on the opposite factions side with a desire to go there.

zangar marsh and hellfire peninsula had little point in capturing the objective.

nagrands base had the patterns, so the players would actually try to get control of the base more so than the other zones.

there needs to be proximity along with incentive to do so, but as you level away from that zone the conflict will disperse.

on the “retail version” i played in warmode exclusively, and was always happy to see the air drop come into the zone.

i argue no, world pvp is not a product of a bygone age.

i argue it hasn’t been implimented properly or given the right amount of resources.
either through faction balances, or incentives in tbc, because as i said, it only really happened in nagrand. they should also add paterns back to world pvp locations to bring the players back to it. a wondering sales man that visits this town at this time will appear, and you have people lining up to capture the objective for the spawned vendor.


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