World pvp question

I was standing in Central Encampment, a Sanctuary, and was killed by a rogue without him leaving stealth when all he did to me was apply something that made it look like I was on fire and I died a few seconds later. Does anybody know how a player kills someone but stays stealthed? I only know it was a rogue and that he was stealthed because he came close enough for me to let me see his little silhouette.

Hearthstone Table. It’s a bug.

Holy hell it needs to be fixed. Not a soul is safe with warmode on if the hearthstone table can do that.


Indeed it does need to be fixed, but a way you can counter it is by standing in the table and AoEing the area the table is in. Players standing in the table can be hit by AoE still, including knock back effects.

Finding them wasn’t my concern, wasn’t trying to find anyone. Just being dead in three seconds in a Sanctuary on my max pvp geared hunter without the enemy being put into combat was a little weird. Makes me not wanna have war mode on.