World pvp is such a meme bro

It has always been a meme tho?

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The Brew Tank player or the actual act of wPvP?

Spoiler. We the players are the meme.

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Okay but metrobloomin is a dope druid name

literally eaten by a pitbull


its always been. I learned to never do wpvp quests when grand hut is active.

despite what many people believe world pvp is very easy to balance. before warmode people used to group up and fight in raids. I remember the legion worldpvp quests with the murlocs or the towers.

BfA world pvp was peak, faction incursions turned into HUGE battles. I loved the drustvar and voldun events, wide open maps with lots of people pushing up a road and back.

but then blizzard just didnt care and added FFA zones plus stupid skills like grandhut dog and the azurespan buffs its like they dont care. duck wpvp is 100000 times better than any other wpvp thing in DF and that is a joke.


That would be hunt, not hut.

Anyway, you don’t have to do the Grand Hunt to use the Bakar. You just get to renown 23 with Maruuk, do one quest, and then you can buy a stack of Shikaar Hunting Horn from the quartermaster.

Bro im still like renown 16 with the centaurs after the whole expansion this xpac has had the whackest rep systems

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That dude Metrobloomin gets tilted so hard. He’ll log on all of his alts and tell you how bad you are and how good he is because he got glad in SL Season 2 playing ret/war - he neglects to mention he’s been hardstuck rival on all 40 of his characters since then. I just farm him and his priest healer to finish my world quests and move on

I didn’t even go hard at renown and I got it quite a while back. The only thing I never maxed out was Loamm Niffen because I can’t stand the place.

yeah well if you attack him on a class(affliction warlock for example) that stands no chance against a feral he’ll spawn camp you for 15 minutes because apparently i did something to offend his entire bloodline

Were you around for mop wpvp? That was truly the peak. Wpvp went downhill after they combined servers.

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the only good thing about them is you dont have to do them. Im not even renown 10 with most factions.

Hey Befel!

Just a reminder, these are the arena forums!

There is a separate sub-forum for war mode & world pvp on: !

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If concise forum categorization was really your goal, you can just leave the thread alone so it dies. Just a reminder

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Is Bakar Companion a new class?

Ya, new druid ability. Cyclone wasn’t strong enough

The organic wpvp went downhill, but wpvp in Dragonflight zones is alive and well.