World PVP is not fun

So your idea of good pvp is instance BGs?

Thats not World pvp bro

not at all I hate BGs and Arenas, I’m a huge fan of World PvP which is why I don’t play on PvP servers.
World PvP is the best part of normal servers.

Oh look, another QQ thread about world pvp or faction imbalance.

Perhaps some new and interesting perspectives will be shared and we will all come away with enlightenment and better understanding…

Nope. Same old QQ-ing.

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Oh look, another horde playing on a server that heavily favors his faction so he never has to worry about being outnumbered 3:1 in every interaction with the opposing faction. I am asking for Blizz to intervene and resolve this issue by opening faction specific server transfers to servers that are lopsided 70:30 or worse.

Find a part of my post where I said that?

I enjoy playing on a PVP server, I like world PvP. what I don’t like is being on a server that has way more horde than alliance. It’s always a win-lose situation. That’s not fun, of course you wouldn’t know because you are playing retail.

WTF are you even talking about? please gtfo with your lvl 120 demon hunter


What we do now?

Thanks blizzard. This is the right step

Considering Blizzard does not post actual population numbers for each realm you have (at best) anecdotal experience with your particular server population.

Not all players on each faction play at the same time of day or in the same zones at the same time. It could be the time of day that you play that the population seems imbalanced.

Yesterday, me and several guildies just PVP-d all day. We started by slaughtering every Alliance player in Un’Goro crater and drove them from it. Then we proceeded to farm devilsaur and elemental fires to our hearts content. The we decided to go to BRM and have some fun there.

We were greeted by at least 40 Alliance players holding the northern gate into BRD and murdering all Horde that tried to enter. We battled them for most of the afternoon, alternatively controlling the entry way and denying entry to the enemy faction. I feel bad for the poor holy priest that I keps MC-ing into the lava and watching them die and trigger their Spirit of Redemption…

For a couple hours we had total control of BRD and harassed any allies trying to come in. Then, we got overrun with more Allies that killed us all and drove us from the mountain… It was glorious and amazing and before I knew it the whole day had gone by.

And we haven’t even started killing for HK’s yet… Oh boy it’s gonna be wild!!

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You’re dismissing my “anecdotal” experience with your own anecdotal experience… Great argument.

I’ve been playing on my server since release, 1-60. I think anyone who levels to cap is able to get a grasp on the faction ratio.

I wasn’t dismissing it. But your anecdotal experience is no more or less valid than mine. Perhaps there are other factors you’re not considering when making blanket statements about population imbalance.

Perhaps the Alliance is just not as willing to help out fellow players as the Horde is?

Another anecdotal examaple. Yesterday when we were about to leave Un Goro, my guildie (a rogue) decided to stay behind and help a lowbie level 53 Lock that was getting camped by an Alliance lv 60 Druid. Not for any reason, we didn’t know the guy, and he wasn’t in our guild.

So, we came, helped the lock, killed the druid and then (pretended to all leave). Me and my mage and hunter friends all hearthed out and my rogue friend stayed behind for a bit. He stealthed and waited by the Lock while he did his quests… Sure enough, the druid came back and tried to gank the Lock, but he had a nasty surprise waiting for him. Then the Druid got camped… And killed. Again and again. until he finally spirit rezzed and left the zone. The Lock got to finish his quests and thanked us. It was great.

I dunno, maybe Alliance is less inclined to help their fellow members…

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So you like World PvP if it suits your idea of balance? So you want Blizzard to balance the populations for you?

Then what are we all supposed to sign up for log on times? How can we determine how many horde and alliance are logged in at the same time?

Then perhaps you will want GMs standing in each zones counting how many of each faction are in the are to ensure balance?

People like you ruin EVERYTHING!

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WPVP is not fun when you’re horribly outnumbered. It can be a lot of fun when the numbers are close to even and people aren’t ganking the weak.


  1. Call for Help
  2. Ask Guild to come Back you up
  3. Leave the area, and fly to another are where horde is not ganking
  4. Or do what people like me do! Fight them anyway, fight for the pure fact you may kill one of them baddies while they outnumbered you!

This entire post is nothing more then hyperbole. Unless all Horde Logged in to World pvp against ALL Alliance at the same time in the same zone.

Nearly all of the preparation WPvP i have done this last few weeks has been amazingly fun. Both sides calling for reinforcements, each side having their moment of victory before the other has their “Calvary” ride in to save the day. Largest i have seen on my server is estimated about 100v100 in hillsbrad last week.

This is pretty much just the logic of a hater. “I dont like it so it sucks and no one should be able to benefit from it”

Then why did you roll a pvp sever?

My Alliance Rogue was riding the UC elevator yesterday with a small crew.

Just a little warmup mind you. A drill.

Makes you forget about all the horror of STV for a bit. For just that little tiny bit :slight_smile: You could just feel the terror of those first few victims as they ran inside, expecting a normal, safe elevator ride. It’s amazing how many people unflag in the weirdest of circumstances, too. Just because the gnome is sitting down doesn’t mean she didn’t bring friends.

Zero HPs gained, too and totally worth it

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Thats what I love man, all before Blizzard buffed guard to continuously spawn, and Guards have crazy aggro range and have Stealth Detection level 10!

Back when WOW was FUN!!!

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I never killed Thrall! I did the Alliance kings on my Horde I never played Alliance long enough. I want my BEAR!!!

No bear mount for killing the alliance/horde leaders in classic. I believe that was added in Wrath.

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He dies on Faerlina quite a bit. So many Horde just jump around and don’t flag its crazy.

They put up a decent fight outside Org but somehow Alliance just has his number so far and I swear we are outnumbered.