That wouldn’t be a TL;DR. You just can’t read.
Except he is.
Honor is brand new. Honor is a big feature. So very temporarily (days, not weeks) honor will change the game. Expect it. Live with it.
If you base your ten-year game design on the last 48 hours, you are a bad game developer. The Blizzard devs are smarter than that. They KNEW that releasing honor would cause a short-term upheaval on pvp realms.
for those saying you picked a pvp server stop talking. The pvp server i was on in 2005 was a med pop server and even high pop servers were not 20+k pop. Some of these servers have way more pop than private servers. this isnt pvp its zerg for free honor and fun for no one. if u think its fun i feel sorry for you
Why didn’t you choose a regular role play server?
Then wtf didn’t you roll on a normal RP server, or pve server. If you think wpvp isn’t fair, which it almost never is, then why didn’t you roll on a server where you can opt in and out of it at will.
When on a PvP server, you automatically consent to any PvP that may happen. This is 100% your own choice.
Agree, I don’t like zerg PvP myself, but neither of us HAVE to do it. Yea, you’re not gonna get a fair PvP environment in Classic. BG’s will help a bit, but the only way to get legit skill based PvP is via arenas which obviously aren’t a thing in Classic which wouldn’t be fun anyway since there was 0 balancing done with competitive PvP in mind. You could argue that it’s impossible for truly “fair” PvP though, there’s always gonna be favor on someone’s side. Actually, Blizzard trying to make PvP “fair” is exactly what led to modern’s PvP which ironically enough, even with full control, it’s far more imbalanced now than it was when they were trying to balance PvP and PvE together.
You kinda are though. You’re free to do so, but your grievances are kinda illogical.
No Benefit, but still fun.
Thanks man, agree totally.
It’s horrible - it’s boring as snot in groups … then when the zone hits 4 raid groups of people … it comes to its knees … it’s all rinse and repeat - till it moves to new zones where the dominiant faction camps out the FPs & starts farming people coming in. It’s gross, it’s pathetic.
Cancel your subs people. Speak with your money - make P3 happen.
That makes me not believe you played on a vanilla pvp server sorry kid.
I played on Arthas during Vanilla, one of the more well known pvp servers…and even it didn’t compare to the roving insanity from both sides of the factions.
Don’t misunderstand me - I adore PvP, I adore PvE - but doesn’t matter who you are, if the opposite faction camps FPs/Outposts, or just roves around in massive raid groups; that’s not what wPvP was until now.
Do I like it? Absolutely when on the winning side of such, but when just farming rep/consumables for raid on a constant basis? Not so much, but it’s what I signed up for apparently. Guess it’s payback for all the guild vs. guild fights in Felwood I started back in the day. Shrugs. I am still amused that people think they are gonna get so much rank from world pvp roving death squads. The Eq. Honor is garbage in a group vs. BGS or solo.
Number 1: You rolled PvP server: That is when you volunteered.
Number 2: Where did you come up with this idea? Who told you this?
Number 3: Why am I responding to something so dumb!
Go play on on a pve server if you want that option.
Truest thing ever spoken
I just want you to post a video of you crying and begging us to stop ganking you. It would just be the icing on the cake.
All these snowflakes that picked a pvp server and cry when they get ganked are hilarious.
Frankly, I’m really surprised at the number of these types of posts that I’m seeing on the Classic forum. Given the number of years that pvp servers existed in the game and how many times we had very similar conversations, I’m really gobsmacked at seeing it in Classic.
It’s not as though people weren’t aware that a PvP server means exactly that - you can be attacked at any time outside the ‘nursery’ zones by anyone from the opposite faction. There is no if, but or maybe - a pvp server is a pvp server.
It really gives me pause. It’s as if people somehow separated themselves from reality when they created a toon on a Classic PvP server and are shocked when suddenly it becomes profitable for the other side to gank them for honour. It’s not as if we weren’t aware of it happening.
It’s just…odd…
I get it, it’s frustrating to get ganked by 60s when you are trying to level, or 2 or 3v1’d. But for all the world pvp annoyances, it is also an awesome experience for those of us who signed up for this and really, truly want wpvp for all its ups and downs. Wpvp has emotional highs and lows that I just can’t get in pve. The stakes are higher, the challenge is greater, and the victories sweeter. I’ve certainly raged from ‘unfair’ fights, but even in those situations, it is so gratifying to outwit and elude a much higher level opponent or mob trying to gank or corpse camp. And then to actually beat a much stronger opponent or when outnumbered through your own skill, it creates epic moments that I will honestly remember for years to come. Wpvp makes me admit where I’m weak and devise strategies to win, or at least survive in the future, and the payoff of learning from mistakes and becoming a better player is worth enduring the ganking. Besides, there are a lot of people on my server still and yet I can grind in countless places, using awareness and remain unmolested the majority of the time. Just need to be a mindful player, mindlessness will get you wrecked in wpvp. If you want to just chill and grind mobs and quests, reconsider if a pvp server is really what you want.
Case in point of why pvp servers are so damn good, tonight I had a 41 rogue and 44 pally attack me from behind while I was grinding mobs in STV, I was actually able to kill the rogue before succumbing to the mob and pally. I made it back to my corpse and was able to spawn and outwit their attempt to corpse camp me. Then I snuck back and took out the pally and rogue at the same time. One of many memorable wpvp experiences this evening. Just sweet virtual justice…world pvp for life.
Except he’s not.
should have rolled pve.