So, as a wpvper/rppvper, its fun having events where we attack or defend our cities from other forces. for example, tonight we just had some alliance from ironforged, clan battlehammer, bigppvp, and a few other smaller guilds attack thunderbluff where we had to defend. (granted i missed i missed the events but saw pics and heard all about it) the attack on thunderbluff was a response from an attack on their city they had just defended against. this type of back-and-forth rppvp, or just world pvp if thats more ur thing, is fun for all of us. the problem is, this fun will end the min phase 2 becomes a thing. civilian DHKs become a huge factor that detours us from doing these fun attack/defense battles on pvp servers.
so my question is, is there any thought in removing DHKs for phase 2? that way we can rank as well as continue to have fun with these world pvp tit for tat battles. i only ask cause iv seen a LOT of pvper and rppvp guilds say the same thing “i wish they would remove DHKs cause they are pointless and stop the fun”. we saw this happen in classic 2019 when phase 2 hit, all fun attacks on each others cities and defenses stopped. town fights stopped. essentially there was no reason to be in the local or world defense channels, cause only rogues attacked cities and towns. same thing with SoD. once the honor system came everyone who loved those type of events stopped showing up for any world pvp events for fear of accidently getting a DHK and losing ranks.
you all added duel talents because we wanted it and it was an amazing thing. for the most part over 90% of us loved this idea. so for phase two on behalf of most of us pvpers, wpvpers, and rppvpers i ask, can you all pls remove DHKs this time around or let us know if its a possibility? thank you and also keep up the good work. Happy holidays everyone.
Agreed. This is not classic #nochnages. That’s the era folks. Please remove DHKs so that we can WPVP without massive repercussions for something silly, irrelevant, and never fully developed.
Remove DHKs and make starter zone Quest givers immortal.
Dishonorable kills only exist because of people murdering quest givers constantly.
If you remove the DHKs(I want to call them DKs because that’s what they were called in Vanilla) you have to make the low level(Friendly Territory) quest givers immortal like the servant allistarj
The 1-20 zones having immortal quest givers isn’t game breaking since nobody really kills them due to DHKs in the first place.
It’s either DHKs or we deal with losers griefing Deathknell or Northshire Abbey 24/7 rendering it impossible for any new players to quest.
Huge agree here. DHKs will ruin world pvp when the honor system comes out. Would love to see them abolished in all wow forms. They server no purpose and ruin gameplay.
or higher lvl elites making it harder to troll starting zones. its more the higher lvl towns and cities we care about having them removed.
Every WPVP/ RPPVP I been in on these Fresh servers has been a blast. Don’t take it away from us.
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You got lost in the example and didn’t see the message.
That’s how I feel about guards.
Guards stifle wPVP and they end up becoming something people hide behind instead of actually engaging in PVP.
Any fight around any settlement turns into one side hiding in their settlement and trying to bait the attacker into aggroing the guards.
As far as I’m concerned the only zones that should have guards at all are the Capital cities and maybe the starter zones(blue zones).
agree. the guard spawn is also insane. we have hit a town guard and had 40 guards come out of nowhere and wipe us. ether way to a point i can agree with immortal guards. i agree it dose suck to be griefed by trolls but thats where the fun of defending comes in. you call on ur guild members or the ones like myself that love to watch the world defense and zone defense come and respond and kill/camp the trollers until they leave the town. instead of making the quest givers have a 10 min spawn timer give them a min spawn timer to fix it. these are just ideas. im unsure how easy the coding is at making them immortal vs making the spawn timer faster on quest givers but town defense would stay a thing after phase 2. iv seen people trolling now and defense happen because there are no DHKs . i know personally i would show up and fight. and im sure the all dwarf guilds would start responding to dwarven areas getting attacked. clan battlehammer use to do such things.
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Not immortal guards, immortal quest givers but only in the blue zones(starter areas).
That’s the whole reason they put in DHKs in the first place.
People kept killing the Quest givers at XR and in Westfall.
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sorry meant immortal quest givers. i get that and at that time when they got added 20 years ago (give or take) things were different and everything they did was new and unsure if it would work or not. yes it worked but at what cost? it killed attacking and defending towns and cities and pretty much made world defense and zone defense channels useless. the fun didnt start coming back until they removed those civilians in BC. my fondest moments started happening in BC when city attacking became a thing again. i remember sitting in molgor and barrens cause we got word an alliance raid was heading to thunderbluff. i was the scout that was to get eyes on them and give info to the defenders so they can be ready for an ambush. that stuff didnt happen in vanilla do to the civilians. this type of stuff happens now but will end in phase two its still over a year before BC comes out so phase two would end that type of fun until bc. if we worry about the few trolls than we essentially let a few bad apples ruin the fun for the rest of us. not to mention vanilla, classic, hardcore, and SoD all had those things. why not this time let it be different and let us have the fun we have wanted in all those other versions but couldnt have.
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Big agree. DHKs are bad for the game. Ez remove.
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I’d like that idea but it needs some changes to the NPCs and guards 1st. Some NPCs should lose their pvp flags.
Additionally, I love to see more guards and reinforcement from major cities in different areas. Maybe some more elite guards with abilities in cities. 10 orcs n cows shouldn’t be able to concur stormwind even at 2am with no player resistance. Attacking a city should be an extraordinary event possible with like 100+ people or something.
They can easily put in some mechanism to see if some area has a huge amount of attack from the opposite factions then the major city around send forces. Like horde attacking GoldShire n then stormwind send some elite guards to deal with it. And horde can reinforce with more players. It can be truly epic and very wow RPG like.
That gut wrenching feeling when someone in the raid smacks a civilian sucks.
And rhe honest truth is the people griefing the questgivers dont care about getting DHKs so that it was never an effective punishment to begin with.
I love defending my home and i hope we can get this looked at!
~Okwaho a.k.a Fluffy the Dwarf
DHKs don’t serve the purpose they were created for. If someone doesn’t care about pvp rank they can camp and kill civillians all they want. Removing DHKs would be good.
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the guards already spawn 10+ guards when u attack one. how much more do u want lol. and to a point i get that but at the same time 10 players taking over a city can easily be defended by the other side. i mean look a bunch of alliance attacked thunderbluff and 80 horde defended it. i think city defense is good as it is. as for 2 am with no player resistance that unfortunately is a risk and to be honest most of us would rather go during a time we can get a fight. those that wait until 2 am server time to do that are few compared to the rest of us. several people have informed me that making the starting areas level 1-10 quest givers immortal is possible since at some point that gets done with the mob from the scarab lord turn in. i just know most of us want the dishonorable kills removed cause it ruins the fun of world pvp attacking/defending towns. i know iv gotten a DHK from a hunter in the raid accidently tab targeting a civilian (which was NOT the closest target to him) during a pvp fight in ratchet during SoD. that sucked cause we all lost a rank and it was a complete accident. unfortunately that led us avoiding ratchet from then on. i do agree some changes maybe need to be done to npcs BUT at the minimum we want DHKs removed in cities and higher lvl towns so we can continue the fun both sides are having right now threw out classic fresh instead of only during the first 2 months and then phase 2 comes and shuts it all down. anyway im just saying. maybe a dev will see this and will honor our wishes this time around.
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