World PVP and Over Powered 40% Damage Mastery Buff in TWW

World PVP is my main focus in world of warcraft for many years. That means finding all the unique items and buffs to get that edge in outdoor pvp. Like classic with all the unique quest items and empowerments.

The 20% Mastery Ruby Feast buff from Valdraken needs to not be allowed in TWW

In Dragonflight we’ve had Far Too many OVERPOWERED world buffs. We’ve had the 50% - 100% Damage one shot Centaur Hunting Horn from 23 Renown with Maurkai. 30% increased damage consumables. and most importantly 20-40% increased Mastery Ruby Feast buff in Valdraken.

It has been a one shot heaven for the past 2 years.

This needs to go away in TWW, Right now the Ruby Feast Mastery Buff still works in the new zones. For most classes that’s equals 40% increased damage flat across the board. I’m happy to say the devs are bringing back more Meta Achievements for World PvP, but buffs like these need go away and not be allowed in TWW.

Shadowlands did a good job with that with all their respective buffs only being active in their respective zones. I’d like to see the same thing happen in war within.


to add on to this i think world pvp quests need to change at some capacity. making them ‘FFA’ is great but grouping up to bypass and zerg anyone solo seems hypocritical. either make it true FFA or make it faction based so the people participating don’t have to sit in LFG trying to find a group to join.


If not taking it out… at least a nerf to the mastery/haste as it makes too big of a difference in world pvp.

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Great post. I haven’t actually set out to intentionally do world PvP since BFA. There were incentives to do world PvP in BFA and there were world buffs (mud wraps were a bit OP), but nothing totally absurd like we have in Dragonflight.

I didn’t do world PvP in Shadowlands just because it didn’t feel like there much of an incentive to do so.

There are incentives in Dragonflight but the world pvp buffs available just make it a total joke, to me anyway. I want to win fights because I am decent at my spec, not because I am stacking more world buffs than the other people.


Dont get me wrong doing 10 man one shots is fun for videos and montages but… Its not fun for the whole expansion lol

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Fix old buffs like Ruby Feast to not work in The War Within, sure, but introduce new buffs exclusive to TWW zones. The one thing I liked about the world buffs was that it could allow a player to overcome the odds. If the player was outnumbered, 3 to 1, they could wipe the others so long as they had buffs.

Shadowlands did do it right to an extent, but I only agree with this because gear wasn’t equalized like it is in Dragonflight. You buy Honor / WPvP / Conq gear and everyone is the same ilvl. Atleast in Shadowlands, you needed to upgrade your gear. I don’t want to see WPvP become so much of a, “I have more players than you, so I win.” experience.

I agree, but not in making it “true FFA” or faction based. Making it a true FFA would just invalidate healers in WPvP, and furthermore, faction based just simply doesn’t work anymore because of how bad the sharding in War Mode is and the faction imbalance.

The quests as they are now are fine as is but they’re boring. It’s the same copy pasted quests from previous expansions with nothing new. What I’d like to see are new WPvP quests that are more interactive with the zone they’re in, for example:

Isle of Dorns WPvP quests could be centered around Skyriding and the Algerian Stormriders — we’ve never seen real mounted PvP action, this would be a great opportunity. During the campaign we’re introduced to a quest that has us kill NPCs with the Algerian Stormriders, using Surge Forward, Skyward Ascent, etc.

I’d like to see a version of this in WPvP, kill NPCs with the abilities and kill players with it as well.

Hallowfall WPvP quests could have an interaction with the zone when it’s the Light crystal and when it’s the Void crystal. Maybe they could even make Light vs Void themed WPvP quests as well.

Azj-Kahet WPvP quests can also have an interaction with the different pheromones you can obtain which could determine your “faction” and be a pseudo FFA.

Just some ideas, good chance this will be ignored by devs and will never be implemented but one can only hope y’know?

It’d also be nice to get a new Sliver of N’Zoth like we did in BfA. Allow us to FFA anywhere in the world. It was very thematic in 8.3 getting that toy to become an agent of N’Zoth, it’d make sense to make another one to become an agent of Xalatath.

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Agreed. I’m not even really a big fan of the world pvp set bonus giving stacking vers buffs on kills.

Obviously world pvp isn’t an even playing field, but I think a lot of these buffs just end up taking what could be interesting and fun random encounters and just making them really 1 sided based off of if you’ve farmed enough Gy kills.

Wpvp buffs are a terrible idea in general. Getting 1 shot because someone clicked a food table in Valdrakken is no fun and the only counter play is to get buffs yourself and try to 1 shot before getting 1 shot. Again, not fun.


I disagree a bit, i think its cool to have rare power ups to win in 1v 3 +. But by having that power 24/7. Means people will never need groups…

The coolest part about BFA was all the massive war parties! Right now you dont need a group and if you did form a group… you would mow down anyone you come across, without challenge… and make anyone wanting to partake get discouraged.

24/7 one shots are wrong, support longer and more strategized fights.

I hope they do nerf them


I’d agree with this if they didn’t feel the need to add an automatic resurrection graveyard at every WPvP quest. You can win the 1vX or however many you killed, but then they just resurrect right away and you’re screwed again. Or when you start killing them one by one, they just slowly come back like cockroaches. Doesn’t help either that they reduced resurrection sickness to 1 minute. Defending cities against groups is almost useless now. Whole point was you wipe the group, they take 5+ minutes to run back to their body, and you resume. If they took the resurrection sickness, they wait 10 minutes before trying again. Now? Take the resurrection sickness L, fly back to the city which will only take you a minute, and by the time they’re back, sickness is over.

The worst part about BfA in my opinion was the massive war parties because the servers just couldn’t handle them. Remember Battle for Nazjatar? Alliance would phase in multiple raid groups, 2-3 raid groups at a time, and left no room for any counter even if you brought in the same amount of raid groups because the server would just crash. Everyone would be running in place for a solid minute before the server ate itself.

That was the main reason why I couldn’t get behind large scale WPvP, the massive lag. To address the second part though, is that any different to what it was like in BfA? If you did form a group, you’d mow down anyone you come across, without challenge, and like I said above, if you did come across another group to give you a challenge, the servers couldn’t handle it and would crash.

At this point, its choosing the lesser of the two evils. Either strong, individual player power (either in the form of buffs or having gear matter to some extent) or everyone is equal and it becomes who can stack the most FOTM classes and have more players.

That’s what flying does to world pvp as well.

and I’m not talking about massive groups like ruin gaming, bringing 60+ players to kill 5 players. Im talking about the smaller parties in general. The servers ate it any time you reached the 100+ range

Bottom line is one shoting every 30 seconds and as you please needs to go away. That’s why borrowed power was amazing you could choose to go full damage glass cannon or become defensive with shields and self healing.

I’ll be honest. there should be 0 world buffs that increase your RAW Damage. just utility based stuff like self healing shields movment, cc, stuns, teleports, hooks, Line of site, ect.

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Atleast flying had a counter to it though :dracthyr_shrug:

You can at the very least dismount people, which, by the way, they need to fix the problems related to dismounting. They still need to fix Whirling Surge to work on steady flight mounts (regular flying), fix Wingshredder to work in all zones and not fail it’s cast, and the annoying issue of druids not being dismountable in their new Skyriding flight form and invalidating dismount items like Wingshredder, Net-o-Matic, etc. when they touch the ground.

I assumed you meant massive groups like that because you said here yourself:

Regardless though, I personally wouldn’t like to see the game revert back to needing a party everywhere you go because at the end of the day, as we saw happen in BfA, it becomes who can bring the most players to a fight and massive communities will pop up engaging in lagscale WPvP.

This wouldn’t be a problem if Blizzard just fixed their servers though, which I’m all for, but they aren’t going to do that.

I agree with you that buffs shouldn’t be available 24/7, and I think a good compromise would be something along the lines of those buffs only being obtainable once per day, and lasting for several hours or until you die type of thing.