World pvp alliance are no competition

I would rather repeatedly die 2 v 40 to Final Boss zergs and spend half my night as a ghost than spend more than 10 minutes at a time in the craphole known as Hillsbrad.

I hope the Horde so thoroughly dominate Hillsbrad that scrubfarming the pointless back-and-forths isn’t a viable way to compete for honour. If I had my way, every kill in the Hillsbrad zerg would count as a dishonourable kill. So congratulations on the biggest non-accomplishment in all of world PvP.

Why are you in Hillsbrad doing stupid zerg pvp?

Your one of the most (if not the most) powerful solo class in the entire game.

Sorry you rolled rogue and have an excellent for WPVP and solo toolkit? Lol why is this post a thing.


If your lagging in hillsbrad during wpvp, talk to your ISP about upgrading your package. I think most will up it instantly and prorate your monthly payment.

I’ve got fiber Internet. You might want to talk to yours, however. You have trouble killing an OOM priest. I can’t imagine the kind of latency issues you must be facing.


I like cheeseburgers


avg grob horde strat: hide behind guard npc mechanics and call it world pvp

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First off, i OOMd you with my sting. Second, you forgot to mention that raid that was following you that steam rolled me. Always trying to take credit when it aint due. Tisk tisk HannerBannaner

Incorrect. I OOM’d myself because I had just finished rebuffing after dying to a group of Horde. I started attacking you with zero buffs, and gave myself a handicap because of your level. I Stoneform’d your first Viper Sting and had you at like 30% health from SWP and wanding alone by the time the third or fourth landed (the second Viper you tried to land during the immunity from Stoneform lol).

You and I both know you were about to die before that. Just like every encounter so far with you. It’s no wonder you get snippy with me out of the blue on the forums every time that happens. Take out that frustration on your ISP, not me.

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Lol undead rogue.


Hillsbrad seems like really bad honor unless you’re a hunter and can just multi-shot everyone


My experience was that they were there to kill Alliance regardless of level. I love WPvP but I do not kill levelers. Alliance tried to protect the levelers out there but fast easy kills.

Stop killing toons much lower than your own levels you jerks no matter what your faction!!


I’ve also noticed the Horde gank squads are significantly fewer during prime time. I see way more, for instance, on Sunday mornings.

Say what you want. I heard you got rolled by a raid
a while ago. Karma much

Man, I can’t think of anything more pointless to brag about.


Lvl 48 and above is KoS. Honor is honor.

Yeah, it happens a lot. That’s WPvP. Difference is I don’t get pissy about it.

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it’s because all the lvl 60 allies are zerg ganking lowbies in every other zone


Alliance SJWs wanted Enclave gone, and now they’re reaping the fruits of their labors. Poetic justice served. I hope the horde makes alliance rage quit and transfer off. Go horde!


sorry your guild died


Hi level 20 alt from person too spineless to post on their main.
Hope your having a great weekend.