World of War(craft)hammer

Why has blizzard not yet turned Warcraft into a tabletop wargame like Warhammer yet? Everyone I ever asked always says they would jump on that in a heartbeat and I couldn’t imagine why blizzard hasn’t tested this idea… It brings a lot of the original Warcraft feel outside of PC gaming to your home.

They already did.

Amazon World of Warcraft: The Role-Playing Game

I have wondered that myself. There are tons of miniatures out there already that can fill in for armies. My gaming group has plenty of them for our wargaming. All you really need is a ruleset for the actual combat and building said armies.

Warcraft specific armies would be cool, too, though not necessary.

Unfortunately that is a role playing game like a TTRPG not a wargaming game like war hammer :frowning:

Ah ok, so you mean more of a battle scenario game. Yeah, that would be great if they did that.

They run a very real risk of bringing GW on their heads if they try that. Warcraft already runs a very fine line with GW given it started life as a Warhammer game (though they couldn’t get the license), and then StarCraft went on to do the same basic thing with 40K a few years later (only without ever trying to get the license). While they’re in separate markets there isn’t really a huge reason to intervene, but tread on GW’s proverbial bread-and-butter and that could easily change.

It may have evolved into its own thing but is it different enough to withstand the US legal system?

I would love to see how camp if we go Whacky warhammer lick in wow game… but I know that long shot since they try to put pass war focus on main evil…

I hope in few years or some thing war come back, case In this world… there only “War”