World of Warcraft Student Art Contest 2024

You gave it a command, and it made it for you.
Probably only able to do it by being trained on a massive pool of man-made imagery.
But as you can see, it’s the machine making it. Not you.

There are easy tell signs if somebody used AI to forge up a piece of art.

It’s really not that difficult.

Really stretching to maintain an argument. You didn’t make it you just trained it, honed it then touched it up!

for now its not.

Unless you made the images it was trained on, developed it to the point it related the text to the concepts you wish for it to generate, and manually touched it up, you didn’t make it.
Like I said, like I always say, it was the machine that made it, not you.

It’s arguable that even if you did make the input images and trained it that you’re still not making the images, because ultimately their creation – generation – is the work of the machine, not you. You will have, however, made an image generator.

Don’t fall into a doomsayer mentality. As technology advances rapidly, there will ALWAYS be specific protocols to follow and easily catch if someone is using AI.

It’s just a matter of leaning “x tool” for “y piece”.

and exactly how do you know this?

I graduated with a computer science degree. More specifically, Cyber Ops. Bad people try and get creative all the time with cheap tech, meanwhile, the good guys get all the funding to detect fraud.

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Would any modern work made by anyone who graduated from a university art program survive this scrutiny?

I remember that we got the otter mount from a winner so…give us the race/mount made by this years winner too.

Yes, because it’s the result of their personal ability. They make the image.
Just like the machine is the one making the image when you order it to, not you.
In the process of creation you are, at best, a commissioner, not a creator.

Your only differential is what you place value on as a means of creation. I made sure to point out in my example that those creating the art would do so using technics and reference materials…

You created your own merit system to reduce yourself. I don’t think that will bar progress for many.


I got my animation already setup. I’m just lazy with part 4

:crab: :izakaya_lantern: :crab: :izakaya_lantern:

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All that matters is who actually made it in my case.
In the artist’s case, the artist; in the machine’s case, the machine.
In neither case, the commissioner.

Now I wanna enter and draw some characters drinking mountain dew in Feralas

Don’t worry, I can barely draw conclusions, let alone still life

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I’ll go home and draw it lol. I have no intention to win. That’s what makes it even funnier

:crab: :izakaya_lantern: :crab: :izakaya_lantern:

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Mountain Dewrotan

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Giving me ideas. And it’ll be so bad y’all know it be me drawing it. Not AI

:izakaya_lantern: :crab: :izakaya_lantern: :crab:


MountAIn Dew

Omg, the thirst is coming from within the building!

…ahem, anyway, best of luck to the participants. May your entries dazzle and enlighten us!

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May the odds ever be in your favor.

:bird: :izakaya_lantern: :bird: :izakaya_lantern:

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