World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Cinematic Trailer

We shall have a Dark Queen, beautiful and terrible as the Morning and the Night! Dreadful as the Storm and the Lightning! Stronger than the foundations of the earth. All shall love Sylvanas and despair!

Victory for Sylvanas!


you mean victory for n’zoth-vannas? lol
i…dont think that’s sylvannas. remember the cinematic where ya beat azshara and the chains fall off n’zoth and he flies around in a cloud of smoke.

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Really puts BfA to shame.

Completely unimpressed. The animation was good but the plot was trashy - Sylvanas’s plot armor was so thick that it was totally unrealistic. That’s not exciting… That’s boring! The destruction of the helm should have extremely grave consequences, but it isn’t even shown or hinted at…

I give you a :-1:

This could’ve been better.


:heart_eyes: Well he didn’t last very long on the throne. Sylvannas still gettin it. Can not WAIT to take her down

I mean are you actually asking, or is this just a check off the checklist of occasional quarterly forum interaction?

Cause I am tired of Sulvenus. She was never a true icon of the Horde (remember how you guys made sure that players knew that the Horde was just a matter of convenience for the Forsaken?), yet she became warchief and you guys decided to use that to take the Night Elves out of retirement… Just to make them the ultimate punching bag, then you skimp out on Night Warrior/revenge/comeback story so we can derp around and become pals, making sure that the Alliance are the cheerleaders because fates forbid the Alliance go into Org or get to confront the being that made life hell all expansion.

Then you take something so iconic like the Lich King and turn it into another tool for her. Wonderful.

By the way, since Thrall is back and Voljin got to come back when do we get to see Varian again?


I am team “bring Varian back”


I was excited, until I saw Sylvanas. At that moment, I lost interest because I knew immediately that she was going to get into a fight with someone and completely pwn them because Sylvanas. It was boring and predictable to the utmost. Still looking forward to the xpac, but this cinematic did little to excite me.


I mean if other characters will get a revisit via the Shadowlands then they damn sure should give him some time.

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I didn’t really like it that much.

Was Sylvanas the good guy or the bad guy? Was the Lich King the good guy or the bad guy? It doesn’t make sense.

That being said, it might be a decent expansion. Just that the cinematic isn’t good, IMO.

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Agreed, I still held out hope the last 2 xpacs. I can do it again for a 3rd

So the deposed warchief of the Orcish Horde opens a portal to an alternative relam where we encounter important lore characters from Warcraft’s past.

Why does that sound so familiar…


Welcome to my feelings about Vol’jin :frowning:

Ah well, maybe now that we’re going to Shadowlands he can lead the Horde again.

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Remember though. Alliance did NOT raid Org this time and no Alliance touched the warchief when said deposition occurred. Clearly they are “fixing” the important things.

It looks like it’ll be a hell of a lot of fun :+1:

Learning to really hate Sylvanas, glad she is a Raid boss. I hope.


Just kill Sylvanas, please. You’ve been dragging her on and on for too long and it’s just so tedious. She should have remained dead after Wrath when she threw herself off of Icecrown, that was at least a reasonable end to her arc. Instead you’ve been parading her around like the rotting corpse she is going ‘see, see, if we keep pushing her everywhere you’ll love her!’


0 interest burned out on crappy expan 2 is enough for me better off going to ffxiv or whatever basically the same crap been out for a year or so by now.

I think it’s cool, not sure for the hate but this is the Wow forums. I have many questions and can’t wait to see how this plays out, i know we didn’t see any classes but i’m hoping at least one. I know they needed a few surprises for panels later hoping a new class is revealed.

Was merely a setback.