World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Cinematic Trailer

The cinematics are always on point. :+1:

I’ll admit though, I liked the Diablo 4 trailer the best though lol.


Was alright. Waiting for the content to be discussed more. So far, sounds like no new class, and a new expansion specific grind for abilities we’ll lose at the end of it (I thought you were all going to stop doing that, tbh).

Got to admit, being able to play allied races as DKs isn’t all that much of a preorder appeal. I’ve a DK already…


You can’t comment without an active sub tho

cool video, too bad the expansion details already sound like garbage.


Sylvanas made Bolvar look like a Lich King intern. Pretty disappointed


Some of us can.

So Mary Suevanas confirmd boyz


Pretty sure Ner’zhul came before the Scourge. They made the helmet to give him the power over Death to do start and grow it. They could simply retcon the fact that the Legion didn’t know what they were dealing with nor did they predict how powerful it would grow in Ner’zhul’s control.

Or something.

Needed a little more cowbell. Icecrown Citadel wasn’t to scale (not tall enough as it appears in-game), it seemed squished. Much like our hopes getting to Level 130 next expansion, squished.

I can’t wait to be level 60 again yay!

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I really hope next expac introduces the new big bad right away so we can Garrosh Sylvanas and move on. I’m so tired of her.


I think at this point, with all her plot armor, Sylvanas could wipe the floor with Sargeras.


Third xpac cinematic in a row featuring Sylvanas…


I’m surprised how much my imagination managed to extrapolate from a single spoiler image about the set-up, style and imagery. I was cheering for Bolvar to fare a little better, but I suppose that would make for a short expansion :slight_smile:

The Sylvanas show continues… and now she’s strong enough to break the Helm of Domination with her bare hands!


I mean, the helmet must have some relevance to control of the Scourge, because why even put it on if it had no purpose unless Bolvar wanted to look cool I guess

A lot of mysteries

Not gonna lie I wanted her to put the helmet on.

Plus seeing the shadow chains was astounding.

The blizzard fight scene with its claustrophobic sound design was lovely

It’s pretty but the actual content is better. People are excited for Bolvar. Most don’t really care about Sylvanas anymore and just want her to go away. Remember how WOD had serious Orc fatigue. We starting to feel Sylvanas fatigue.

Why is a completely incompetent character having to constantly be the center of attention? There are so many better characters to choose from.


On the bright side, I guess this means Taelia’s dad is no longer Lich King.

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It looked good.

It wasn’t good, though.


It’s a plot point. You’re supposed to be asking where this new power came from.