World of Warcraft Reveal News Round-Up

Not a Jar Jar Binks fan?

Iā€™ll admit I skimmed the article in many places, but I didnā€™t see anything about these new dragonish player characters being able to actually USE those wings on their backs to fly. Will they be able to? Or at least glide indefinitely like Demon Hunters.
Eager players want to know!

Would be great if you could do more balance tuning for pvp more often. Small changes bi weekly. To keep the game fresh and fair.

Feels like if you dont reroll or play a thousand alts your class can either feel op or underpowered.

Please make the game more fun for all classes.

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they wont give all content at onceā€¦ patience grasshopper

Love the fact you are bringing back the Talents. Hate the fact that Dracthryr can only be Evokers. I really Hope that Blizzard has finally learned that they have destroyed the guild scene. I miss when people actually had to learn to work together to get through content and get the gear. I also hope that they make profession really worth something again. For a long time now all the gear from professions has been the next thing to useless.