World of Warcraft music is superior

We all know that World of Warcraft has superior music than say FF14 due to the fact that it has real fantasy music and also, not going out of its way to produce non fantasy genre type of music. If you think FF14 has better music than your sadly mistaken and also it’s music doesn’t fit any of their background and their music isn’t even all that memorable and nor even recognizable and to be quite frank it’s truly uninspiring as well.

Unlike FF14 at least World of Warcraft has memorable music and recognizable tracks and score. Especially in Dragonflight this expansion has exceptional music compared to previous expansions due to Dragonflight having more calm and laid back music and in its contents.

As well some other expansions like in legion and BFA and where legion has some night elven like Suramar and Val’sharah in general and in BFA it has some nice elven music during the Nazjatar patch. And also the Zandarlari music on Zandarlar is beautiful and overall every music in modern era are beautifully composed and well produced by the Warcraft music team.
But, sure go ahead deny that the World of Warcraft music is not great when compared to FF14 and sure go ahead and say things like people will mute World of Warcraft music when I doubt it’s only 10% to 50% of the player base that’s mutes the in game music.

One last thing, if you think most people in FF14 has music on then you’re sadly mistaken and not being factual I bet there are 10% or 50% that has their music off when ingame.

Raid music in World of Warcraft especially in recent expansions like in legion / Battle for Azeroth / Shadowlands / Dragonflight has some of the most recognizable themes and memorable moments. And it’s dungeons as well it to has memorable tracks and music and score.

Memorable character themes

Khadgar plan (Khadgar theme)
Jainas homeland (Jaina theme)
Nightsong (ysera)
Xaxas (deathwing theme)
Lions rest (anduin theme)
And more…

Memorable zone music

Waking shores
Ohn’naran plains
Azure span
Forbidden reach
Eversong woods
And more…

Raid music

Sepulcher of the first ones (zovaal raid boss music) this is the first raid to feature final boss music.


Its decent atmosphere music.

Stuff during a fight? Not so much unless its that one song that plays in the firelands


Is this a parody thread or something, or just bait.


It’s bait, mans couldn’t handle on people not agreeing with them on the other thread. Especially since the guy hasn’t even played 14 and yet feels like they can judge their music quality.

100% a salt thread

that being said, to OP: Lmao.


WoW has better zone music
FFXIV has better boss music

It makes sense, its the world of Warcraft, and Final Fantasy games always have awesome boss music


It’s Chases. He RPs as a Blizz fanboy


Say whatever you want but sure believe that FF14 somehow has better music compared to the World of Warcrafts score. And sure go ahead label me whatever just like anyone that seems to love to hate anything World of Warcraft related.

And you people just coming on here (forums) just to create threads to compare World of Warcraft music or whatever else to FF14 and then when thread is created people seems to love to trash on World of Warcraft no matter what the expansion.


Its all op does really.


Sunday is fishing day.
OP is dangling their worm like a champion.


Not the worm dangling :sob:

Sure, call me however you like but nothing will change the fact that your type of people just loves to throw insults to whatever World of Warcraft puts out these days. And this kind of behavior is still going strong even after shadowlands even though in dragonflight where everything in this expansion did a full 180 degrees from previous three or four expansions. (Warlords/Legion/BFA/Shadowlands)

But know this World of Warcraft has more recognizable music and score compared to FF14.

Chasing implies movement.

unfortunately they don’t move for they are a brick wall.

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Fanboy got destroyed in the other thread so he decided to make his own. You’re still wrong, Wimp Lo.

Why are you so obsessed with FFXIV?


Say whatever you want but nothing will change the fact that your type of people loves to create threads to throw insults to World of Warcraft music and say that FF14 outperforms World of Warcraft music. When the reality is FF14 music doesn’t even come close to World of Warcraft music / score.

Due to the fact that Neal Acree is a experienced composer and knows what genre fits in World of Warcraft.

I love both so not sure you’re implying - Shadowbringers and Heavensward music was a whole different beast though.

BUT i do love both Music and Art is the one area blizz has done well

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Got destroyed? more like people love to throw insults towards World of Warcraft music and they seem to love to play pretend that World of Warcraft music sucks compared to that of FF14. When in actuality FF14 music doesn’t even fit their environments nor content nor it’s base genre type.

But sure keep living in denial. And keep on making threads that throws insults towards World of Warcraft as a whole.

Nobody was insulting WoW music, you just got massively triggered by a different opinion and you started insulting people.


Why do you caaaaaaaare? Its a pointless topic to a pointless argument. Apples to oranges… people like what they do but fact is wow boss music is meh

Wow music in general has gotten so forgettable I forget to bother turning it on since MoP and rather hear my YouTube playlist on repeat for 10h a day…


I doubt that the majority of the playerbase would even agree with that statement and would say otherwise.

Have you even played through all of FFXIV? If not, I really don’t think you’re qualified to say

Especially when their music is built around whatever environment or content you’re in/completing.

I’m really glad you enjoy WoW music however, based on the other thread, the majority of people who posted enjoy FFXIV music more.

Oh and BTW, before posting, be sure to make sure you read the other things you post for last night you said “30% or 10%” mute their music and in this thread it is 10% or 50% (just saying).

Thanks for the giggles!