World Of Warcraft - In-Game Issues → Technical issue → Performance problem

Dear game masters, I created my characters on US serve (AZGALOR)r, but i am having high ping (250-450ms, or more…)

I did not know there were some better server for Australia. could you please transfer my characters to a better suited server (liek Aman’thul ocaenia) for me to experience the game more fluently , with less ping… sometimes its it is going very high and hard to cast spell, questing, chat with players, and so on.

I just created a character on Aman’Thul in oceania to compare and its much better.

i can now see the ping is way much better than on Azagalor US

i have around 30 on Aman’Thul
I have around 300 on Azagalor

as per the following article, it was mentioning some help from gamemasters to transfer to this servers.

you dont need to transfer all my characters.
this transfer will help me in:

1 - it will definitely improve my ping, which is the most important my overall wow experience (you can see and compare between the 2 realm for me, its much better on Aman’thul.
2 - i will finally be able to raid and group with some group living in Australia, at the more decent time so i can play at the right hours with my friends.

please let me know. i am also happy to pay something but as i am impacted by some technical issues like ping, and the server choice i did was not the best at the time, but that what i have been recommended by the game, then I’d like to get your team involved too in helping me out please.

Thanks a lot in advance for you consideration.


  1. wrong forums
  2. free transfers to Oceanic servers have long since ended. You have to pay.