World of Warcraft Fanzine Issue #1 - Season of Changes Release

Hey everyone! I wanted to announce something that I and several other people have been working on for the last several months. It’s a project that a lot of us have been excited to release, and we’ve just recently finished it.

I want to present to you all:

The World of Warcraft Fanzine Issue #1 - Season of Changes

As you all are no doubt aware, the Roleplay Community is built on the foundations of mutual storytelling and writing, and we’re full of very talented individuals. The whole purpose of roleplaying is to be a creative outlet for people and a way to inhabit the World of Azeroth via a character that we create and inhabit as a sort of avatar.

So it’s no surprise that this community is full of writers, artists, and other people who love to create stories, drawings, and more and who also love to share them with others as well. No one in this community creates in a vacuum, after all, and almost everyone loves to be seen and feel that they’ve created something amazing.

That’s the purpose of this project, and I’m proud of everyone who worked hard for it. Hopefully, you’ll feel the same way when you read it and even get inspired yourself!

So, what can you see in this current issue? Here’s what we have available for you all!

  • 13 Original Stories by nine different writers.

  • 24 amazing pieces of art by a dozen artists.

  • 20 gorgeous screenshots depicting various roleplay events, scenes, and landscapes by 10 different roleplayers.

  • 4 versions to download: the FULL version, which has additional art, screenshots, and easter-eggs; The Print-Ready version, which is perfect for printing a physical copy with; the LITE version, which contains just the stories and screenshots; and the Epub version for e-readers.

  • Links to similar projects, podcasts, and more.

  • Completly Free - Share it around if you want!

For those who are interested, this is not the only Issue that we plan to release either, as we’ve already started to get ready to develop Issue #2. So, if you like what you read and want to join in on the fun, we do have a link inside of each Fanzine version that will take you to a Submission Form.

With that said, here are the links for you!

NOTE: Since I’m not eligible to post links in the forums, be sure to copy the link below and open it in a new browser tab.

World of Warcraft Fanzine Issue #1 - Season of Changes

Additionally, there is also the “World of Warcraft Roleplaying Guidebook” for those who are either new to Roleplay, or wish to brush up on their skills or share it with potential newcomers to the hobby.

World of Warcraft Roleplaying Guidebook

Please note that the Roleplaying Guidebook will be undergoing a rewrite for a Version 2 in the next few months

With that said, thank you everyone! Finishing this project, meeting new people, and getting inspired has made me love this community even more, and I hope to see you all around. See you in Azeroth everyone!

~Rease Stoneheart

NOTE Please be aware that this is completely free of charge. All Warcraft Fan Content will never cost money. While the links are a “pay what you want” format, always be sure to put in $0. There are other ways to support me, thank you!