World of Warcraft Cosplay and Cosplayers

The incredible world of Wow Cosplay. The Costumes and the people who create them. The Blizcon Costume Event with all the wonderful costumes and Cosplay are some of my favorite things about the Wow community. The people who create those amazing costumes are just super creative. The amount of work that goes into fabricating a faithful representation of a costume of a fantasy character is inspiring.

I’m always awed by what Wow Fans can create. These Artists give us an opportunity to see our favorite characters brought to life.

I will be posting Videos showcasing Wow Cosplayers and their costumes and events in this thread because I think you will find them entertaining and informative. Specially if you are unfamiliar with cosplay.

If you are a cosplayer please tell us of your experiences and (optional) perhaps post videos and pictures of your costumes if you want to and if possible.

As always. Everyone is invited to post your thoughts on this topic.

I will start off with our beautiful hero Lady Jaina Proudmoore:


Shes gorgeous.

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You are true. Some of the costumes are rather amazing. What I didn’t expect were the ones who recreated the lower legs and hoofs of the draenei.

Did you say Draenei Hooves.


Bolvar Transformation Nice.

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Cosplay Exhibition BlizzCon 2019 Fun show.

Blizcon 2021 Talented Cosplayers

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Oh wow! That’s awesome stuff!

I love this stuff. Some people are so talented. Thanks for posting. :tada:

The work that goes into a scratch-built costume is exemplified in this video:

More hard work:

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Wow cosplay is part of a larger group of world wide general cosplay fans. Starting with Anime Cosplayers. Here is an example:

Agreed Cosplay is a term employed to designate live real world portrayal of fantasy, science fiction, anime, comic book, movie and game characters. By the fans. Wow fans are part of the larger cosplay fan base.

New York Comic Con 2019

Cosplay is awesome.

If you’ve never gone to an anime or gaming convention, it’s a good experience to have at least once in your life. (I’m not saying you have to dress up lol, just to go and experience the full abandon of creativity and art of a successful fandom)

Just… be aware that all the stereotypes and tropes about these conventions are there for a reason. Don’t be that guy who doesn’t shower or wear deoderant and please please PLEASE understand that most of the girls are NOT dressed up like that because they want to have adult interactions with you, so don’t ask them back to your hotel or anything super creepy like that.

And another thing. Capes should be mainstream parts of our everyday wardrobe again. There, I said it.

I remember dressing up as a villian, or hero once upon a time. When I was a kid, and it was a very special occasion. Called Halloween :rofl:

Well Halloween offered people an opportunity to dress up as a fantasy character. But it was only for one day a year. Role playing games offer us the opportunity to control and play a fantasy character either on table top with miniatures or a monitor or tv screen.

Cosplay offers us the opportunity to create our favorite fantasy characters in real life and for the time that we wear the costume role-play that character in real life. It is also a homage to the character we admire.

That’s cool, if folks are into that kind of stuff. Not going to lie though. I’m still going to laugh at someone dressed up in all that cardboard armor carrying around a plastic, or foam sword, hammer whatever lol. I still watch that Conan O’Brien Triumph the insult comic dog video where Triumph is at the Star Wars Attack of The Clones movie premiere with all those cosplayers on occasion lol. Funny stuff.

Just out of curiosity. How did that make you feel? What was the experience like for that younger version of you?

Felt great. Bags full of candy at the end of the night. Wasn’t fun one year though. Was out trick, or treating, and some neighborhood kid decided to throw an egg, and hit me upside the head lol.

Cosplay looks like a lot of work making those outfits. Plus time and expense. Kudos to people that are willing to go though all that for their art.