World of Warcraft Classes: Recontruction

The classes in Wow have been nearly the same for 20 years. Time for a change. How would you recreate the Wow classes to provide a more dynamic and exciting optimization, improvement and play-ability design for a class or all the classes. What spells and abilities would you add or subtract or change completely?

Turn arcane into a melee battlemage.


I’d make survival a ranged spec again.


Hell no.

I don’t need more buttons to press. I like my simple-minded BM Hunter.

I would give RoP back to Arcane.

At base id first look at the roles and design the classes to all have what those roles need baseline then go from there.


Because when I returned after a seven year absence, I didn’t recognized some of my classes. Mage and shaman especially flummoxed me.

And speaking of mages…

Addition of Talent Tree choice of compound abilities, somewhere mid level, between:

Choice A
First point: an arcane elemental that last one minute and only causes low damage/dps; one minute cooldown; cost of mana
Second point: an arcane elemental that lasts one minute and tanks but still only causes low damage/dps; one minute cooldown; initial cost of mana but when arcane elemental goes back to the nether,

Choice B
First point: an arcane elemental that lasts one minute and only causes low damage/dps; one minute cooldown
Second point: an arcane shield that lasts one minute and spawns when the arcane elemental is up/in play and the mage takes a hit/damage and absorbs damage equivalent to if she were wearing leather/mail armor

So mages could choose to have a tank or shield depending on their playstyle (but not both).

(Note: arcane elemental is 2/3s the height of the player character because they block too much of the fight as is.)

It should have stayed ranged. BM should have been the melee spec. I’d make it:
Marksman - Expert with bow, trick shots, maybe some magic arrows, pet optional.
Survival - Uses gadgets and modern tech to hunt their prey - guns, bombs, traps, rockets. Pet is just a distraction and another tool in their arsenal.
Beast Master - Friend to the wild things. Fights side by side with their animal companions, matching their claws and teeth with the edge of their blades.

Nah. I like my ranged. You can’t have it.

To be honest, I really like how Paladin plays, I just wish they would stop with the paracausal weapon summoning, I wanna play a Paladin, not a Titan from Destiny.

Classes already have changed a lot in these 20 years.

Shaman, for example, is practically another class compared to what it used to be. Especially in their fantasy and identity. (Spiritual tribal leaders and/or mortal mediators between the very elements themselves.

The primary visual identity of shooting lightning and using totems was highlighted. Windfury was graphically identifiable (a tornado appeared on your character) and it was always impactful when it happened (especially if you were using a 2h weapon and landed a critical hit).

Today, we are basically Lava Burst Turrets, we look more like a Fire mage than a Shaman.
Enhancement Shamans hardly use Windfury, and when they do, it’s not as satisfying as before. And the amount of totems is extremely limited.

At least we still have our Spirit Wolf vibes yet :man_shrugging:

I really don’t think players want more range turned into melee…

Multi-class options

At this point Shaman averages a redesign every four years it’s over the top.

Actually now that I am out of bed and had my morning coffee this thread’s entire mission is wrong. No class has been the same for 20 years.

If anything WoW’s biggest problem with the classes is that they rarely stay the same after 1 or 2 patches, because they keep taking huge hits to their playstyle before getting a redesign every expansion or 2.

For example, Holy Paladins went from the premier tank healer, to a crazy aoe spammer, to a melee aoe spammer, to a broken melee/ranged spot healer with random aoe sprinkled in.

Like it’s a thematic and gameplay nightmare is what it is lol.

Revert DK’s back to Wrath when all specs could tank as long as they took a few defensives and frost aura. (And dps blood)

And give Shaman an earth themed tanking spec. We already have fire, water and air specs/builds. Let’s get that long awaited Geomancer tank spec.

What…. What are hero talents for if not to spice up classes???

If you think or believe this then you haven’t actually played WoW for 20 years. Every class 20 years ago plays differently than how they do today. It’s not even the same game.

I Said: “The classes in Wow have been nearly the same for 20 years.”

I Said: “The classes in Wow have been nearly the same for 20 years.”

I Said: “The classes in Wow have been nearly the same for 20 years.”

I Said: “The classes in Wow have been nearly the same for 20 years.”

This ones easy, we coded it on a mud decades ago, it’s called ‘reclassng’ at max level you choose to start again at level one as a second class regaining your first class’s abilities as you leveled and learning the second class abilities as you leveled. It took forever to create a good one.

The mage/ warrior was best.